My design has to work at around 65MHz.When I synthesize, the report
shows that the minimum clock period is 39MHz. Does it mean that my
design does not meat the timing contraints? How to check whether my
design is meeting the timing?
Actually I am getting an input clock which I am multiplying it thru DCM
to get this 65MHz clock and using it my design. In the constraints
editor, only the clock to the FPGA is appearing and I dont know how to
specify the freq. for the output clock from the DCM. I feel that since
the input clock freq. is low, its not applying the constraints properly
to the rest of the design which has to work at around 65Mhz. I dont
know whether I am correct. Plz let me know the correct procedure.
Thanks & Regards,
My design has to work at around 65MHz.When I synthesize, the report
shows that the minimum clock period is 39MHz. Does it mean that my
design does not meat the timing contraints? How to check whether my
design is meeting the timing?
Actually I am getting an input clock which I am multiplying it thru DCM
to get this 65MHz clock and using it my design. In the constraints
editor, only the clock to the FPGA is appearing and I dont know how to
specify the freq. for the output clock from the DCM. I feel that since
the input clock freq. is low, its not applying the constraints properly
to the rest of the design which has to work at around 65Mhz. I dont
know whether I am correct. Plz let me know the correct procedure.
Thanks & Regards,