Per Magnus Řsthus
Hello all,
I'm using Altera Quartus II 9.1 with a DE2 board.
I want to infer a single-port RAM in my code, but I get a message
saying "Uninferred RAM logic due to asynchronous read". However, I
cannot find the asynchronous read in my design. One idea I have is
that the "address" is sometimes set in the same clock cycle as the
read - with a blocking statement - and that might be a problem.
And, by the way, my goal is not to implement this on the DE2 board,
but in an ASIC using Synopsys. The server running synopsys is very
slow though, so I thought I'd use Quartus just for a quick
synthesis . I also have had this problem in earlier FPGA projects,
and had to work around it somehow, so I'd like to know what's wrong
with my coding style.
Anyhow, here's abstracts of my code. The thing I'd like to be a RAM is
the reg variable sbox. I've not included the code that does not relate
to sbox.
module wep_encrypt (
reg [7:0] sbox [0:255];
always @ (posedge clk) begin
case (state)
S_IDLE: begin
case (start_encrypt)
1: state <= S_SBOX_INIT;
default: state <= S_IDLE;
i = 0;
j = 0;
n <= 0;
port_A_addr <= plain_addr;
S_SBOX_INIT: begin
state <= (i == 255) ? S_SBOX_SWAP0 : S_SBOX_INIT;
sbox <= i;
i = i + 1; // Wraps around at 255.
j = 0;
S_SBOX_SWAP0: begin
temp <= sbox;
state <= S_SBOX_SWAP1;
S_SBOX_SWAP1: begin
j = j + temp + seed(i[2:0]);
temp2 <= sbox[j];
state <= S_SBOX_SWAP2;
S_SBOX_SWAP2: begin
sbox[j] <= temp; // sbox[j] <= sbox
state <= S_SBOX_SWAP3;
S_SBOX_SWAP3: begin
sbox <= temp2; // sbox <= sbox[j];
if (i == 255) begin
state <= S_ENCRYPT0;
i = 0;
j = 0;
end else begin
state <= S_SBOX_SWAP0;
i = i + 1'b1;
S_ENCRYPT0: begin
i = i + 1'b1;
temp <= sbox;
state <= S_ENCRYPT1;
S_ENCRYPT1: begin
j = j + temp;
temp2 <= sbox[j];
state <= S_ENCRYPT2;
S_ENCRYPT2: begin
sbox[j] <= temp; // sbox[j] <= sbox
index <= temp + temp2; // index <= sbox + sbox[j]
state <= S_ENCRYPT3;
S_ENCRYPT3: begin
sbox <= temp; // sbox <= sbox[j]
state <= S_ENCRYPT4;
S_ENCRYPT4: begin
case (n[1:0])
0: port_A_data_in[7:0] <= sbox[index] ^ port_A_data_out[7:0];
1: port_A_data_in[15:8] <= sbox[index] ^ port_A_data_out[15:8];
2: port_A_data_in[23:16] <= sbox[index] ^
3: port_A_data_in[31:24] <= sbox[index] ^
at_end = (n + 1 == frame_size);
if (n[1:0] == 3 || at_end) begin
// Either encrypted four bytes or done with the whole block.
// Store the result.
port_A_addr <= cipher_addr + (n & (~32'b11));
port_A_we <= 1'b1;
state <= at_end ? S_DONE : S_WRITE;
end else begin
state <= S_ENCRYPT0;
n <= n + 1;
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Best regards,
Per Magnus Řsthus
I'm using Altera Quartus II 9.1 with a DE2 board.
I want to infer a single-port RAM in my code, but I get a message
saying "Uninferred RAM logic due to asynchronous read". However, I
cannot find the asynchronous read in my design. One idea I have is
that the "address" is sometimes set in the same clock cycle as the
read - with a blocking statement - and that might be a problem.
And, by the way, my goal is not to implement this on the DE2 board,
but in an ASIC using Synopsys. The server running synopsys is very
slow though, so I thought I'd use Quartus just for a quick
synthesis . I also have had this problem in earlier FPGA projects,
and had to work around it somehow, so I'd like to know what's wrong
with my coding style.
Anyhow, here's abstracts of my code. The thing I'd like to be a RAM is
the reg variable sbox. I've not included the code that does not relate
to sbox.
module wep_encrypt (
reg [7:0] sbox [0:255];
always @ (posedge clk) begin
case (state)
S_IDLE: begin
case (start_encrypt)
1: state <= S_SBOX_INIT;
default: state <= S_IDLE;
i = 0;
j = 0;
n <= 0;
port_A_addr <= plain_addr;
S_SBOX_INIT: begin
state <= (i == 255) ? S_SBOX_SWAP0 : S_SBOX_INIT;
sbox <= i;
i = i + 1; // Wraps around at 255.
j = 0;
S_SBOX_SWAP0: begin
temp <= sbox;
state <= S_SBOX_SWAP1;
S_SBOX_SWAP1: begin
j = j + temp + seed(i[2:0]);
temp2 <= sbox[j];
state <= S_SBOX_SWAP2;
S_SBOX_SWAP2: begin
sbox[j] <= temp; // sbox[j] <= sbox
state <= S_SBOX_SWAP3;
S_SBOX_SWAP3: begin
sbox <= temp2; // sbox <= sbox[j];
if (i == 255) begin
state <= S_ENCRYPT0;
i = 0;
j = 0;
end else begin
state <= S_SBOX_SWAP0;
i = i + 1'b1;
S_ENCRYPT0: begin
i = i + 1'b1;
temp <= sbox;
state <= S_ENCRYPT1;
S_ENCRYPT1: begin
j = j + temp;
temp2 <= sbox[j];
state <= S_ENCRYPT2;
S_ENCRYPT2: begin
sbox[j] <= temp; // sbox[j] <= sbox
index <= temp + temp2; // index <= sbox + sbox[j]
state <= S_ENCRYPT3;
S_ENCRYPT3: begin
sbox <= temp; // sbox <= sbox[j]
state <= S_ENCRYPT4;
S_ENCRYPT4: begin
case (n[1:0])
0: port_A_data_in[7:0] <= sbox[index] ^ port_A_data_out[7:0];
1: port_A_data_in[15:8] <= sbox[index] ^ port_A_data_out[15:8];
2: port_A_data_in[23:16] <= sbox[index] ^
3: port_A_data_in[31:24] <= sbox[index] ^
at_end = (n + 1 == frame_size);
if (n[1:0] == 3 || at_end) begin
// Either encrypted four bytes or done with the whole block.
// Store the result.
port_A_addr <= cipher_addr + (n & (~32'b11));
port_A_we <= 1'b1;
state <= at_end ? S_DONE : S_WRITE;
end else begin
state <= S_ENCRYPT0;
n <= n + 1;
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Best regards,
Per Magnus Řsthus