I would like that quartus auto inffer an parallel add...
I tried various code and it only inffer 2 adder...
I tried this :
process (RST,CLK)
if RST='1' then
ADD_OUT <= (others=>'0');
elsif CLK='1' and CLK'event then
A_INT <=SIGNED(A(7) & A);
B_INT <=SIGNED(B(7) & B);
A1 <= A_int + B_int;
A2 <= signed(A1(8) & a1);
C_INT <= signed(C(7) & C(7) & C);
ADD_OUT <= A2 + C_INT;
end if;
end process;
is there anybody who have also do this ?
I would like that quartus auto inffer an parallel add...
I tried various code and it only inffer 2 adder...
I tried this :
process (RST,CLK)
if RST='1' then
ADD_OUT <= (others=>'0');
elsif CLK='1' and CLK'event then
A_INT <=SIGNED(A(7) & A);
B_INT <=SIGNED(B(7) & B);
A1 <= A_int + B_int;
A2 <= signed(A1(8) & a1);
C_INT <= signed(C(7) & C(7) & C);
ADD_OUT <= A2 + C_INT;
end if;
end process;
is there anybody who have also do this ?