I need to be able to vary the capacitance of tuning capacitor for a
[huge] ferrite antenna from 3 pF to 0.3 uF -- a range of five orders
of magnitude.
It does not appear that there is an air variable cap that can do the
job, at least one smaller than my house.
I was thinking of using 18 or so fixed caps each with an SPST switch
to include or exclude each one, with the first being 3pF, the second
being 6pF, the third being 12pf, etc. -- like a binary number. Then I
could set any capacitance in the range to within 3 pF.
Since SPST switches are around 70 cents, I was instead going to use a
18-pin strip double pin pin-header strip ($2.04 at Mouser) and 18
shunts (15 cents per) to switch each cap.
Is there a better way of doing this?
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[huge] ferrite antenna from 3 pF to 0.3 uF -- a range of five orders
of magnitude.
It does not appear that there is an air variable cap that can do the
job, at least one smaller than my house.
I was thinking of using 18 or so fixed caps each with an SPST switch
to include or exclude each one, with the first being 3pF, the second
being 6pF, the third being 12pf, etc. -- like a binary number. Then I
could set any capacitance in the range to within 3 pF.
Since SPST switches are around 70 cents, I was instead going to use a
18-pin strip double pin pin-header strip ($2.04 at Mouser) and 18
shunts (15 cents per) to switch each cap.
Is there a better way of doing this?
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