We have an old phosphorimager that contains a Uniphase 1135P laser which
is no longer operational. Near as I can tell the rest of that scanner
is working properly. The 1135P is 632.8nm laser, 20mW. They still sell
lasers like that but they are $$$, and the lab that owns the instrument
doesn't want to spend much to fix it. I think for this application the
key requirement is that the replacement laser's output be stable (<5%
certainly, %1< if possible), and secondarily, that the wavelength be as
close to the original as possible.
Any suggestions for a solid state laser that would be an acceptable
replacement? My guess is that the scanner might work with even a run
of the mill red laser pointer bolted in, but that the power output
variations would result in a mottled image.
David Mathog
is no longer operational. Near as I can tell the rest of that scanner
is working properly. The 1135P is 632.8nm laser, 20mW. They still sell
lasers like that but they are $$$, and the lab that owns the instrument
doesn't want to spend much to fix it. I think for this application the
key requirement is that the replacement laser's output be stable (<5%
certainly, %1< if possible), and secondarily, that the wavelength be as
close to the original as possible.
Any suggestions for a solid state laser that would be an acceptable
replacement? My guess is that the scanner might work with even a run
of the mill red laser pointer bolted in, but that the power output
variations would result in a mottled image.
David Mathog