Eric R Snow
The Jameco catalog doesn't have any inductors that are 1000
micro-henrys. Only less. Can these be connected in parallel or series
to increase the inductance? Or is it easy to wind my own accurately?
How can the inductance be measured? I have a Tek 465B 'scope but I'm
still learning how to use it and don't know if it can be used to
measure inductance.
Do I need a ferrite core? I have a machine shop so making the
mechanical parts to wind coils is easy for me.
Thank You,
Eric R Snow
micro-henrys. Only less. Can these be connected in parallel or series
to increase the inductance? Or is it easy to wind my own accurately?
How can the inductance be measured? I have a Tek 465B 'scope but I'm
still learning how to use it and don't know if it can be used to
measure inductance.
Do I need a ferrite core? I have a machine shop so making the
mechanical parts to wind coils is easy for me.
Thank You,
Eric R Snow