If you have a length (l) of wire coiled to make an inductor and you stretch
the wire (ie. space the coils further) but do not change the diameter (see
www.wowway.com/~rspinks1/question.bmp) is the inductance the same? I
understand inductance to be L = (mu N^2 A) / l + 0.45d. So if I'm stretching
the coils but not changing l
(length) will the inductance change? I guess that technically the cross
sectional area (A) would be changing slightly due to stretching to coils ...
but I'm not sure if that minor variation is negligible - since I'm not
actually changing the diameter. I thought that you compress/decompress
coils (which is what I think this example is) to tune inductance... is this
what's happening? How does a variable inductor work? I have no equipment so
I can't just coil some wire and stretch it myself to see. Insight is
appreciated. Thanks.
the wire (ie. space the coils further) but do not change the diameter (see
www.wowway.com/~rspinks1/question.bmp) is the inductance the same? I
understand inductance to be L = (mu N^2 A) / l + 0.45d. So if I'm stretching
the coils but not changing l
(length) will the inductance change? I guess that technically the cross
sectional area (A) would be changing slightly due to stretching to coils ...
but I'm not sure if that minor variation is negligible - since I'm not
actually changing the diameter. I thought that you compress/decompress
coils (which is what I think this example is) to tune inductance... is this
what's happening? How does a variable inductor work? I have no equipment so
I can't just coil some wire and stretch it myself to see. Insight is
appreciated. Thanks.