I've done something like Mike's example many times, including using a
generic to select the appropriate input (and output) file.
For some cases, a VHDL-based functional model is appropriate; for others, a
text file that defines a 'golden' vector set is appropriate; sometimes, time
is of the essence, and you work with what is currently available. (Does it
almost always seem that way?)
"Mike Treseler" <mike_treseler@comcast.net> wrote in message
generic to select the appropriate input (and output) file
For some cases, a VHDL-based functional model is appropriate; for others, a
text file that defines a 'golden' vector set is appropriate; sometimes, time
is of the essence, and you work with what is currently available. (Does it
almost always seem that way?)
"Mike Treseler" <mike_treseler@comcast.net> wrote in message
newdaddy wrote:
is there
an facility for indirection or for dynamic calling of code in vhdl,
other than creating some huge case or if-else structure?
Not exactly.
I use generics on the command line like this:
-- run assertions only:
vsim -c test_uart -do "run -all; exit"
-- force an error 116:
vsim -Gwire_g=random -c test_uart -do "run -all; exit"
-- force an error 0:
vsim -Gwire_g=stuck_hi -c test_uart -do "run -all; exit"
-- change template:
vsim -Gtemplate_g=s_rst -c test_uart -do "run -all; exit"
-- slow baud:
vsim -Gtb_tics_g=42 -c test_uart -do "run -all; exit"
-- run with waves: vsim test_uart -do uart.do
-- verify strobe calibration: vsim -Gtb_tics_g=42 test_uart
-- then "do uart.do" from modelsim prompt
See http://home.comcast.net/~mike_treseler/ for details.
The next step might be to use a shell/python/tcl script
to orchestrate the vsim commands.
Then maybe a tk gui to click buttons.
But I just cut and past text commands to an emacs shell.
-- Mike Treseler