Increasing the Range of my Universal Remote


John Kimble

I am interested in increasing the distance that the IR in my universal remote can reach. I have done a little bit of reading on the subject and I see that remotes tend to use a signal somewhere in the 32KHz to 40KHz range.

I don't think anything above 40KHz would work because the T.V. probably wouldn't accept the signal so I am wondering how I would go about increasing the distance my 32KHz signal can go.

Any ideas?

"John Kimble" <> wrote in message news:<qDavb.25718$>...
I am interested in increasing the distance that the IR in my universal remote can reach. I have done a little bit of reading on the subject and I see that remotes tend to use a signal somewhere in the 32KHz to 40KHz range.

I don't think anything above 40KHz would work because the T.V. probably wouldn't accept the signal so I am wondering how I would go about increasing the distance my 32KHz signal can go.

Any ideas?

Hi John,

You can increase the IR range by building a simple IR repeater; you
point the remote at the receiver of the repeater, and the repeater in
turn (via a cable)can then reach as far as you need. An added
advantage is that the final equipment you need to control does not
even have to be in line-of-sight.

If you are interseted I could send you the schematics to build one.


Anand Dhuru
Yes, I would very much like those schematics. Thanks.

Do you know how much it would cost to build one?

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