First off, please excuse my ignorance in this matter. Up until now, I
would simply create a schematic, open up ADE setup for Spectre, ask it
to compile me a netlist, and I would then setup and run my simulation
from the command line. I never before created schematic testbenches;
all of my testbenches were textual in nature. All of my simulations
were straight Spectre.
Well, now I've been placed in the situation where I have tens of
thousands of transistors, and straight Spectre sims just don't cut it
anymore. Thus, I'm moving over to doing simulations in AMS, and am
becoming familiar with running everything from the GUI. I've already
proven AMS, first with just a two component circuit, and then with
another circuit I'm working on that doesn't have a lot of inputs to it.
Thus, creating a testbench was fairly simple. Now, I want to move the
complexity up even another level.
I have a circuit with a massive number of inputs. For the Spectre
sims, I would place an include statement in my deck that pointed to a
file containing the definition for a couple hundred PWL voltage
sources. This way, I didn't have to deal with the GUI for defining
these pseudo-random bitstreams. For AMS, I thought that I could just
make a symbol with the correct number of ports on it, place it in a
testbench schematic, and then for the 'View to Use', point AMS at my
source file that contains the information for the PWL voltage sources.
However, the elaborator chokes on this.
I read some of the other posts regarding attaching netlists to symbols,
and they don't seem to quite fit what I need, but like I said, I'm
ignorant as to how to properly set this up.
would simply create a schematic, open up ADE setup for Spectre, ask it
to compile me a netlist, and I would then setup and run my simulation
from the command line. I never before created schematic testbenches;
all of my testbenches were textual in nature. All of my simulations
were straight Spectre.
Well, now I've been placed in the situation where I have tens of
thousands of transistors, and straight Spectre sims just don't cut it
anymore. Thus, I'm moving over to doing simulations in AMS, and am
becoming familiar with running everything from the GUI. I've already
proven AMS, first with just a two component circuit, and then with
another circuit I'm working on that doesn't have a lot of inputs to it.
Thus, creating a testbench was fairly simple. Now, I want to move the
complexity up even another level.
I have a circuit with a massive number of inputs. For the Spectre
sims, I would place an include statement in my deck that pointed to a
file containing the definition for a couple hundred PWL voltage
sources. This way, I didn't have to deal with the GUI for defining
these pseudo-random bitstreams. For AMS, I thought that I could just
make a symbol with the correct number of ports on it, place it in a
testbench schematic, and then for the 'View to Use', point AMS at my
source file that contains the information for the PWL voltage sources.
However, the elaborator chokes on this.
I read some of the other posts regarding attaching netlists to symbols,
and they don't seem to quite fit what I need, but like I said, I'm
ignorant as to how to properly set this up.