I am trying to import synthsized verilog for leonardo spectrum into
cadence. I have not been very successful in that . I have been able to
generate the layout of this design in SE using the same verilog
nestlist. The parts of the module that composer is not able to
undesrstand has the statements such as "assign" in it. Is there any
other way of importing a synthsized design into Cadence from Leonardo.
Thank You,
I am trying to import synthsized verilog for leonardo spectrum into
cadence. I have not been very successful in that . I have been able to
generate the layout of this design in SE using the same verilog
nestlist. The parts of the module that composer is not able to
undesrstand has the statements such as "assign" in it. Is there any
other way of importing a synthsized design into Cadence from Leonardo.
Thank You,