Is there a way to match impedance for a circuit given typical input and
output stages of transistors for square wave (and other) types of
inputs? Was wondering if there were such a function in spice type cad
simulators (e.g. orcad) that would compute the proper loads given
networks of R, C components, and later stages of transistors. Part of
issue is that I'm not certain how to do it without spice utils, so it
maybe the cart before the horse situation. Thanks.
output stages of transistors for square wave (and other) types of
inputs? Was wondering if there were such a function in spice type cad
simulators (e.g. orcad) that would compute the proper loads given
networks of R, C components, and later stages of transistors. Part of
issue is that I'm not certain how to do it without spice utils, so it
maybe the cart before the horse situation. Thanks.