Hi My monitor suddenly has a strange behavior when I power it up in cold
situation (only after more then about 5 mins powerdown) .
I hear a few times 3 - 7 times a clicking noise with some flashing on the
screen (the monitor tries to show the image without succes )
After that the image stabilizes and a few seconds later there is on more
click from a relay?
Now as long as the monitor remains powered the image is steady and OK.
When I let windows shut down the monitor while powered and wake up again
there is no problem.
Anyove got a suggestion what to dot?
The 3 year warrenty expired just 5 weeks ago:-S
situation (only after more then about 5 mins powerdown) .
I hear a few times 3 - 7 times a clicking noise with some flashing on the
screen (the monitor tries to show the image without succes )
After that the image stabilizes and a few seconds later there is on more
click from a relay?
Now as long as the monitor remains powered the image is steady and OK.
When I let windows shut down the monitor while powered and wake up again
there is no problem.
Anyove got a suggestion what to dot?
The 3 year warrenty expired just 5 weeks ago:-S