Here's what I'd like to do. I have a balanced transmission line tree
that has one buffer on one end and several buffers on the other, and
I'd like to show this in my schematic. Also, I made a 'spectre'
representation that wraps around a netlist, so that when I netlist the
entire design, this structure is included. However, it's really just
one net, so if I were to do an LVS on the schematic, it wouldn't work
(in the schematic it's many nets, in the layout, it's one). Is there
a way to equate the many nets in the schematic to one net in the
Here's what I'd like to do. I have a balanced transmission line tree
that has one buffer on one end and several buffers on the other, and
I'd like to show this in my schematic. Also, I made a 'spectre'
representation that wraps around a netlist, so that when I netlist the
entire design, this structure is included. However, it's really just
one net, so if I were to do an LVS on the schematic, it wouldn't work
(in the schematic it's many nets, in the layout, it's one). Is there
a way to equate the many nets in the schematic to one net in the