If you needed a book on verilog?



hello everyone,
I was wondering if you people can help me with this, If you needed
a book on verilog, what would you like to have in it and discussed in
a major way? Like if say that book is supposed to be for undergraduate
level student reference book. Please let me know if possible by giving
a list of topics you would like to see in there. Actually im tryin to
write one :)
Waiting anxiously,
Salaams :)
there is...go amazon and search for it!


"UJMi" <iujmi@hotpop.com> wrote in message
hello everyone,
I was wondering if you people can help me with this, If you needed
a book on verilog, what would you like to have in it and discussed in
a major way? Like if say that book is supposed to be for undergraduate
level student reference book. Please let me know if possible by giving
a list of topics you would like to see in there. Actually im tryin to
write one :)
Waiting anxiously,
Salaams :)
Thanx Kelvin,
I had already checked that! Anyhow anyone else who can help is
honestly asured that I will truely be grateful to you :)

"For DAK: " Sir Je I know aap bhee idhar hain, will like to have
some help from u too!

"Kelvin" <student@nowhere.com> wrote in message news:<40ba950e@news.starhub.net.sg>...
there is...go amazon and search for it!


"UJMi" <iujmi@hotpop.com> wrote in message
hello everyone,
I was wondering if you people can help me with this, If you needed
a book on verilog, what would you like to have in it and discussed in
a major way? Like if say that book is supposed to be for undergraduate
level student reference book. Please let me know if possible by giving
a list of topics you would like to see in there. Actually im tryin to
write one :)
Waiting anxiously,
Salaams :)
Thanx Hendra,
Your help is very much appreciated...btw as for the book Verilog
HDL by Samir Palnitkar is the same book from which I learnt Verilog
myself. Thanx a bunch to my teacher who didnt recommended any other
book, but actually I havent been a real big fan of it either...infect
I dont like any book on the DHD much...all im thinking is a very
simple book which any newbie or intermediate level person can keep on
his/her side with view to be used as a reference book.
Thanx again,
Salaamz :)

"Hendra Gunawan" <u1000393@email.sjsu.edu> wrote in message news:<c9mbnn$7a26s$1@hades.csu.net>...
"UJMi" <iujmi@hotpop.com> wrote in message
hello everyone,
I was wondering if you people can help me with this, If you needed
a book on verilog, what would you like to have in it and discussed in
a major way? Like if say that book is supposed to be for undergraduate
level student reference book. Please let me know if possible by giving
a list of topics you would like to see in there. Actually im tryin to
write one :)

1. First of all, I don't want to see another Verilog book that try to teach
digital design. The two should be written seperately.
2. Explain from the very beginning and gradually add more detail as the
chapters progress.
For example: Explain what a module is by writing its IO ports without
writing the detail implementation of the module.
3. For each example, give the schematic equivalent of the code. For example:
if you write a code for a D Flip Flop, draw a picture of D flip flop
underneath the code.
4. Teach how to write a testbench from the very beginning. For example: Once
you write a complete code for a Full Adder, write the testbench for the Full
5. Please don't try to mislead the reader by making an impression that
Verilog is just like C. I hate to see people teaching Verilog by giving
example of how to print "Hello World" with Verilog.
6. Explain which one of the language constructs are synthesizable.
7. I have read several Verilog books when trying to learn the language. You
probably should look over other Verilog books before write your own. The
best of the best for a beginner is Verilog HDL by Samir Palnitkar. The book
is very easy to understand and it gives very detail explanation of important
language constructs. This is the only book that clearly explain blocking and
non blocking assignment, along with the mechanism of always and intial
block, and when to define a signal as reg or wire. See if you can write
better book than his!


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