I would like to know why coupling factor for IF transformer affects the
centre frequency. I hv a circuit in PSpice with two IF transformers...
and when I reduce the coupling factor I get the required centre
frequency which is 455KHz...
for both IF transformers
The inductor values are
L1 = 680uH
L2 = 97uH
and original coupling factor is 0.9
but after simulations the centre frequency obtained is 451KHz
when the coupling factor is reduced to 0.75 I get the required centre
anyone with an answer...
I would like to know why coupling factor for IF transformer affects the
centre frequency. I hv a circuit in PSpice with two IF transformers...
and when I reduce the coupling factor I get the required centre
frequency which is 455KHz...
for both IF transformers
The inductor values are
L1 = 680uH
L2 = 97uH
and original coupling factor is 0.9
but after simulations the centre frequency obtained is 451KHz
when the coupling factor is reduced to 0.75 I get the required centre
anyone with an answer...