Weng Tianxiang
There are many discussions on the liberaries used in VHDL.
The following are the key points I summirized from many useful
discussions and I would like to adopt in my coding:
-- 02/11/2006
-- 1. Use "use ieee.numeric_std.all", instead of two statements:
-- use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
-- use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
-- 2. All std_logic_vector() are converted to unsigned()
-- 3. When signed() is to be used, use type conversion function
The final remaining question is:
Is unsigend(...) acceptable in interface of entity?
Thank you.
There are many discussions on the liberaries used in VHDL.
The following are the key points I summirized from many useful
discussions and I would like to adopt in my coding:
-- 02/11/2006
-- 1. Use "use ieee.numeric_std.all", instead of two statements:
-- use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
-- use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
-- 2. All std_logic_vector() are converted to unsigned()
-- 3. When signed() is to be used, use type conversion function
The final remaining question is:
Is unsigend(...) acceptable in interface of entity?
Thank you.