iCouplers versus opto couplers


Markus Meng

Hi all,

is there a reason NOT to use the new iCouplers in place
of standard opto couplers like for example HCPL060x
devices from Agilent?

This would eliminate the rising edge problem from
the open collector output of the HCPL060x resulting
in unwanted signal distortion ...

A short note in experience using the iCoupler would
be very appreciated.

Hello Markus,

A short note in experience using the iCoupler would
be very appreciated.
Ok, I have never used iCouplers in designs. But I have designed
extensively with transformer based isolation barriers and it seems that
is the core of iCouplers (but their transformers are monolithic, I believe).

My experiences:

I get a lot of bandwidth out of transformers. And a whole lot more speed
per Dollar compared to opto couplers. No rising/falling edge problems.
But best of all, transformers are generic. That means that it is
unlikely that your purchasing chief comes running down the hallway with
a red face because some part suddenly has become unavailable.

Analog Devices is usually very dependable but I still would have an
uneasy feeling about any single sourced part. I'd rather take a #43
toroid with a couple of windings. Ferrite hasn't ever gone on allocation
in my 20 years of design work. Neither has wire.

Regards, Joerg


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