'icfb' versus 'seultra'/'sedsm'

The executable for Silicon Ensemble used to be 'seultra' or 'sedsm'.
Now there is 'icfb' with a recent version of Cadence I am dealing with.
Are the formers embedded within icfb? I cannot get Silicon Ensemble up
running alone.

Any hint/help?
I think the Silicon ensemble Place & Route tool has been replaced by a
new tool called Encounter. I haven't used the SE and not sure whether
it has been removed. But i have used the Encounter tool which is
embedded within Cadence. It has a GUI and somewhat pretty easy to use
and is capable of generating layout automatically from verilog or VHDL
code. We have options for selecting the metal line widths and the
direction of preferred metals for routing, placement of power rings and
convenient placement of pins for easy routing and so on.

If you have questions regarding using Encounter pls mail me.

hamidrezah@yahoo.com wrote:
The executable for Silicon Ensemble used to be 'seultra' or 'sedsm'.
Now there is 'icfb' with a recent version of Cadence I am dealing with.
Are the formers embedded within icfb? I cannot get Silicon Ensemble up
running alone.
The "icfb" executable does not contain the "seultra" or "sedsm" tool

Specifically, the executable "icfb" (custom IC schematic capture,
simulation, layout, & physical verification) does not contain "seultra"
or "sedsm" (digital place & route).

In future releases (e.g., Virtuoso IC61), increasingly A/d
floorplanning and custom analog placement, analog synthesis, and device
& block custom routing will be added to the "icfb" tool suite ... but
in all cases, AFAIK, Silicon Ensemble will not itself ever be "inside"
of icfb.

It looks like you're missing "seultra" or "sedsm" in your path. Use the
"find" command or the GNU locate command to locate the missing
executables (or ask your system administrator).

Hope that helps,
John Gianni
Nothing I state here is prior reviewed by my employer.

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