Icarus Verilog for Windows

  • Thread starter Pablo Bleyer Kocik
  • Start date

Pablo Bleyer Kocik

Hello people.

I will be maintaining recent snapshots of the Icarus Verilog compiler
for the Windows platform in easy to use installers at
http://armoid.com/icarus/. I have been doing this for more than a year
now for the people in my company so I thought, what the heck, for the
same effort I can benefit other users out there.

If you have other free related goodies that can be posted there
--like Verilog test files, utility scripts, etc.-- please email me at
mailto:pbleyer2004N@SPAMembedded.cl [N@SPAM->@]

Thanks for Stephen Williams for putting together such a nice Verilog
compiler for the community.


PabloBleyerKocik /"...I didn't want to be kissing Kevin Spacey.
pbleyer2004 / Come on! Lying there naked with rose petals?"
@embedded.cl /- Kirsten Dunst on turning down American Beauty
Jason Zheng <jzheng@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote in message news:<ccmk9i$jdg$1@nntp1.jpl.nasa.gov>...
How does the icarus compiler compare with the commercial ones, e.g.
modelsim, ncverilog, etc.?
For the price, Icarus has far the best benefit/cost relationship you
can find in the industry (that ratio actually equals \inf ;^)

Seriously, it has a very complete set of features and Steve is
continuously adding fixes and improvements, specially now towards
1364-2001 compatibility. It is a very good tool if you need to write
Verilog simulations and testbenches. We generally use it to design and
verify our models before synthesis (it is very lightweight so you can
carry it around). It dumps VCD files that you can import in most
simulation tools.

IIRC, there are some online comparisons of its features you can find


PabloBleyerKocik /
pbleyer2004 /"Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability."
@embedded.cl / -- Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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