IC reference


Mark Webber

Is there a website that is a complete reference for the IC's available
and also gives examples of what they could be used for?

I've tried Google but I am looking for 1 place to reference.


Mark Webber
remove SPAM to email!
On Fri, 12 Dec 2003 12:58:29 -0500, Mark Webber
<markwebberSPAM@yahoo.com> wrote:

Is there a website that is a complete reference for the IC's available
and also gives examples of what they could be used for?

I've tried Google but I am looking for 1 place to reference.

I don't think there is such a place, but most IC makers have all their
data sheets and application notes available on-line, on their own

Typing an IC type number into Google will generally lead you to data
sheets for that part.

Peter Bennett VE7CEI
email: peterbb (at) interchange.ubc.ca
GPS and NMEA info and programs: http://vancouver-webpages.com/peter/index.html
Newsgroup new user info: http://vancouver-webpages.com/nnq
In article <vtk0aca67lt2df@corp.supernews.com>,
Mark Webber <markwebberSPAM@yahoo.com> wrote:
Is there a website that is a complete reference for the IC's available
and also gives examples of what they could be used for?
Try www.icmaster.com, your milage may vary.

Mark Zenier mzenier@eskimo.com Washington State resident
Mark Webber wrote:

Is there a website that is a complete reference for the IC's available
and also gives examples of what they could be used for?

I've tried Google but I am looking for 1 place to reference.

depends on what you mean by "the ic's available".. you mean all the
IC's ever created or just TTL or CMOS chips? please specify..



"The only thing better than sitting outside and
playing a banjo is sitting outside playing a banjo
made of the skulls of people that made fun of you in
elementry school."
Manufacturers sites usually list only products they sell today. About
discontinued products they have usaually no references at all.
www.partiner.com had great amount of old and new datasheets online but
they are paysite now and cost is surely too high for personal usage.

Its not easy to get datasheets you may require.

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