ic 555 timer small diagram needed

right what i need is a diagram for the conditions i need... let me

i need to press and release a NO switch and after certain time like
say 15 mins i need it to engage a relay for say 5 mins then disengage
the relay and wait for the push button again after.
**i could go as far as opto-isolation as it doesnt need much current
for switching but it does need seperation

many thanks

ps i seen many diagrams with this tan and other but there talking
beyond what need to know.. i got a strong guess i need 2x555 and
perhaps what they call a "flip flop" circuit unless anyone has a
better idea?
porkysh1t@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
right what i need is a diagram for the conditions i need... let me

i need to press and release a NO switch and after certain time like
say 15 mins i need it to engage a relay for say 5 mins then disengage
the relay and wait for the push button again after.
**i could go as far as opto-isolation as it doesnt need much current
for switching but it does need seperation

many thanks

ps i seen many diagrams with this tan and other but there talking
beyond what need to know.. i got a strong guess i need 2x555 and
perhaps what they call a "flip flop" circuit unless anyone has a
better idea?
Getting 15 minutes from a 555 reliably is tough. Instead,
set the 555 to run astable at ~2.5 minutes, and use its
output as the clock for a 4017.

Diode or all of the 4017 outputs except count 9 to the base
of an NPN and a 1K. An example of the "diode or" is best seen
in the second partial schematic below. The schematics are
representative of what you need to do, not complete. The N/O
switch also connects to the commoned cathodes of the diodes.
The NPN controls power to the circuit. Pressing the button
turns the NPN on, and the 4017 keeps it turned on until the
count reaches 9, in ~ 20 minutes. Diode or counts 7 and 8
to another NPN through a 1K - that transistor can control a
relay to give you you a ~ 5 minute output.

+12 ---+---+ +------- Vcc to 555 and 4017 and relay
| c\ /e
| ---
| |
| [1K]
| | Dx
+-o o-+------|<---Counts 0-8 from 4017,
N/O | each count thru its own
| diode (Dx)
Gnd ---------+

The 33K ensures the transistor turns off when the 4017
is not counting from 0 through 8.

For your 5 minute output:

+Vcc ----+
| +---|<---Count 8 from 4017
\c |
NPN |---[1K]---+---|<---Count 7 from 4017
/e |
| |
Gnd -----+----[33K]---+

The relay needs a diode across it with the cathode
connected on the + side.

porkysh1t@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
right what i need is a diagram for the conditions i need... let me

i need to press and release a NO switch and after certain time like
say 15 mins i need it to engage a relay for say 5 mins then disengage
the relay and wait for the push button again after.
**i could go as far as opto-isolation as it doesnt need much current
for switching but it does need seperation

many thanks

ps i seen many diagrams with this tan and other but there talking
beyond what need to know.. i got a strong guess i need 2x555 and
perhaps what they call a "flip flop" circuit unless anyone has a
better idea?
Maybe this would help.
On Sep 30, 4:48 am, "bw" <bweg...@hotmail.com> wrote:
porkys...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote in message


right what i need is a diagram for the conditions i need... let me

i need to press and release a NO switch and after certain time like
say 15 mins i need it to engage a relay for say 5 mins then disengage
the relay and wait for the push button again after.
**i could go as far as opto-isolation as it doesnt need much current
for switching but it does need seperation

many thanks

ps i seen many diagrams with this tan and other but there talking
beyond what need to know.. i got a strong guess i need 2x555 and
perhaps what they call a "flip flop" circuit unless anyone has a
better idea?

A CMOS 556 would work, but since you don't need to know how it works, just
purchase a timer at the store.
Another idea is to scavenge a microwave oven control board, save the keypad.
I've done it and it will do what you want.
i dont have any decent gadget shops that do what i need..

i need from a push button 15mins off then 5 min on then off waiting
for push button again to start again at 115 off etc etc, the microwave
controll would allow it to be on for 15 mins and off permenant,, not
what i need
porkysh1t@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
On Oct 1, 1:02 am, ehsjr <eh...@NOSPAMverizon.net> wrote:

porkys...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

right what i need is a diagram for the conditions i need... let me

i need to press and release a NO switch and after certain time like
say 15 mins i need it to engage a relay for say 5 mins then disengage
the relay and wait for the push button again after.
**i could go as far as opto-isolation as it doesnt need much current
for switching but it does need seperation

many thanks

ps i seen many diagrams with this tan and other but there talking
beyond what need to know.. i got a strong guess i need 2x555 and
perhaps what they call a "flip flop" circuit unless anyone has a
better idea?

Getting 15 minutes from a 555 reliably is tough. Instead,
set the 555 to run astable at ~2.5 minutes, and use its
output as the clock for a 4017.

Diode or all of the 4017 outputs except count 9 to the base
of an NPN and a 1K. An example of the "diode or" is best seen
in the second partial schematic below. The schematics are
representative of what you need to do, not complete. The N/O
switch also connects to the commoned cathodes of the diodes.
The NPN controls power to the circuit. Pressing the button
turns the NPN on, and the 4017 keeps it turned on until the
count reaches 9, in ~ 20 minutes. Diode or counts 7 and 8
to another NPN through a 1K - that transistor can control a
relay to give you you a ~ 5 minute output.

+12 ---+---+ +------- Vcc to 555 and 4017 and relay
| c\ /e
| ---
| |
| [1K]
| | Dx
+-o o-+------|<---Counts 0-8 from 4017,
N/O | each count thru its own
| diode (Dx)
Gnd ---------+

The 33K ensures the transistor turns off when the 4017
is not counting from 0 through 8.

For your 5 minute output:

+Vcc ----+
| +---|<---Count 8 from 4017
\c |
NPN |---[1K]---+---|<---Count 7 from 4017
/e |
| |
Gnd -----+----[33K]---+

The relay needs a diode across it with the cathode
connected on the + side.


Right, so basically I connect to the npn transistor by diodes (or
leds?) with pins 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 10
Yes those are the correct pins, but you need to add
more pins - pin 9 and pin 10. That will give you
counts 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, and 8. Each count stays
active for 2.5 seconds, so the timing cycle is
2.5 * 8 = 20 seconds. Each output (count) goes +
for 2.5 seconds. The output is connected through
a diode, and the cathodes of t6he diodes are connected
together. The base of the NPN is connected to the cathodes
through a 1K resistor.

The collector of that NPN is connected to the plus
side of whatever power supply you are using. The power
supply needs to be between 5 and 15 volts. The emitter
of that NPN provides power for the 4017, the 555 and the

and use pins 5and 6 connected to
No, use pins 6 and 9. They are connected to 2 more diodes.
Those two diodes als have their cathodes connected to a 1K
resistor, and the other side of that 1K resistor is connected
to the base of another NPN transistor. No opto isolator is
needed or used.

the npn and opto-isolation device instead for switching another npn
for a relay. It’s the same as a diode but using less power than the
relay, so I figured that out its now the 555 timer connection and
circuit to the cmos chip.

The tech sheet I was looking at started from output 0, this means
pins 9 and 11 don’t use (just incase someone else finds this useful)
You will use pin 9, but you won't use pin 11

right the 555 pinout?
1,is gnd
2, E from npn
3, connect to hi-low on cmos
4,dont use
5,dont use
6, connect to ground?
7, connect c+r to 1
8, V+

please can you confirm I have this correct
No - see below.

What do the diodes and the switch connect to on the npn,
The base of the NPN, through a 1K resistor.

I really need
a better drawing.
I did see on the tech sheet of the cmos chip it sounds like that the
output pins give out different power or something as it suggests that
only certain pins to be used to time another decade counter cmos chip,
is this right if so do I still use diode to the npn?
For a diagram of the 555, see this url:

You will select R1, R2 and C to set the timing for
~ 2.5 seconds. Start with R1 = 33K and use a 50K
pot for R2. For C, use a 33 uF electrolytic.
You can adjust the pot to "fine tune" the 2.5
second pulses that the 555 will produce.

You can also find a diagram of the 4017 at

Connect the output (pin 3) of the 555 to the clock input
of the 4017 through a 1K resistor.

If this is not clear, I can email a jpg schematic
to you.

ehsjr wrote:
porkysh1t@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

On Oct 1, 1:02 am, ehsjr <eh...@NOSPAMverizon.net> wrote:

porkys...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

right what i need is a diagram for the conditions i need... let me

i need to press and release a NO switch and after certain time like
say 15 mins i need it to engage a relay for say 5 mins then disengage
the relay and wait for the push button again after.
**i could go as far as opto-isolation as it doesnt need much current
for switching but it does need seperation

many thanks

ps i seen many diagrams with this tan and other but there talking
beyond what need to know.. i got a strong guess i need 2x555 and
perhaps what they call a "flip flop" circuit unless anyone has a
better idea?

Getting 15 minutes from a 555 reliably is tough. Instead,
set the 555 to run astable at ~2.5 minutes, and use its
output as the clock for a 4017.

Diode or all of the 4017 outputs except count 9 to the base
of an NPN and a 1K. An example of the "diode or" is best seen
in the second partial schematic below. The schematics are
representative of what you need to do, not complete. The N/O
switch also connects to the commoned cathodes of the diodes.
The NPN controls power to the circuit. Pressing the button
turns the NPN on, and the 4017 keeps it turned on until the
count reaches 9, in ~ 20 minutes. Diode or counts 7 and 8
to another NPN through a 1K - that transistor can control a
relay to give you you a ~ 5 minute output.

+12 ---+---+ +------- Vcc to 555 and 4017 and relay
| c\ /e
| ---
| |
| [1K]
| | Dx
+-o o-+------|<---Counts 0-8 from 4017,
N/O | each count thru its own
| diode (Dx)
Gnd ---------+

The 33K ensures the transistor turns off when the 4017
is not counting from 0 through 8.

For your 5 minute output:

+Vcc ----+
| +---|<---Count 8 from 4017
\c |
NPN |---[1K]---+---|<---Count 7 from 4017
/e |
| |
Gnd -----+----[33K]---+

The relay needs a diode across it with the cathode
connected on the + side.


Right, so basically I connect to the npn transistor by diodes (or
leds?) with pins 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 10

Yes those are the correct pins, but you need to add
more pins - pin 9 and pin 10. That will give you
counts 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, and 8. Each count stays
active for 2.5 seconds, so the timing cycle is
2.5 * 8 = 20 seconds. Each output (count) goes +
for 2.5 seconds. The output is connected through
a diode, and the cathodes of t6he diodes are connected
together. The base of the NPN is connected to the cathodes
through a 1K resistor.
Groan - you wanted 2.5 minutes, not seconds. Change the
word seconds to minutes above. Correction to the 555
components appears below. Also, I added 1 pin too
many. You want counts 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7, so you need
to add pin 10 (not pins 9 and 10 - do not add pin 9).

The collector of that NPN is connected to the plus
side of whatever power supply you are using. The power
supply needs to be between 5 and 15 volts. The emitter
of that NPN provides power for the 4017, the 555 and the

and use pins 5and 6 connected to

No, use pins 6 and 9.
^^^ ^^ ^^
Yes, use pins 5 and 6

They are connected to 2 more diodes.
Those two diodes als have their cathodes connected to a 1K
resistor, and the other side of that 1K resistor is connected
to the base of another NPN transistor. No opto isolator is
needed or used.

the npn and opto-isolation device instead for switching another npn
for a relay. It’s the same as a diode but using less power than the
relay, so I figured that out its now the 555 timer connection and
circuit to the cmos chip.

The tech sheet I was looking at started from output 0, this means
pins 9 and 11 don’t use (just incase someone else finds this useful)

You will use pin 9, but you won't use pin 11

right the 555 pinout?
1,is gnd
2, E from npn
3, connect to hi-low on cmos
4,dont use
5,dont use
6, connect to ground?
7, connect c+r to 1
8, V+

please can you confirm I have this correct

No - see below.

What do the diodes and the switch connect to on the npn,

The base of the NPN, through a 1K resistor.

I really need
a better drawing.
I did see on the tech sheet of the cmos chip it sounds like that the
output pins give out different power or something as it suggests that
only certain pins to be used to time another decade counter cmos chip,
is this right if so do I still use diode to the npn?

For a diagram of the 555, see this url:

You will select R1, R2 and C to set the timing for
~ 2.5 seconds. Start with R1 = 33K and use a 50K
pot for R2. For C, use a 33 uF electrolytic.
You can adjust the pot to "fine tune" the 2.5
second pulses that the 555 will produce.
Aaargh! I figured the timing components for the 555
based on seconds, not minutes. Change R1 to 330K,
R2 to a 500K pot, and C to a 220 uf cap to get 2.5
_minute_ timing.


You can also find a diagram of the 4017 at

Connect the output (pin 3) of the 555 to the clock input
of the 4017 through a 1K resistor.

If this is not clear, I can email a jpg schematic
to you.

On Oct 3, 4:10 am, ehsjr <eh...@NOSPAMverizon.net> wrote:
ehsjr wrote:
porkys...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

On Oct 1, 1:02 am, ehsjr <eh...@NOSPAMverizon.net> wrote:

porkys...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

right what i need is a diagram for the conditions i need... let me

i need to press and release a NO switch and after certain time like
say 15 mins i need it to engage a relay for say 5 mins then disengage
the relay and wait for the push button again after.
**i could go as far as opto-isolation as it doesnt need much current
for switching but it does need seperation

many thanks

ps i seen many diagrams with this tan and other but there talking
beyond what need to know.. i got a strong guess i need 2x555 and
perhaps what they call a "flip flop" circuit unless anyone has a
better idea?

Getting 15 minutes from a 555 reliably is tough. Instead,
set the 555 to run astable at ~2.5 minutes, and use its
output as the clock for a 4017.

Diode or all of the 4017 outputs except count 9 to the base
of an NPN and a 1K. An example of the "diode or" is best seen
in the second partial schematic below. The schematics are
representative of what you need to do, not complete. The N/O
switch also connects to the commoned cathodes of the diodes.
The NPN controls power to the circuit. Pressing the button
turns the NPN on, and the 4017 keeps it turned on until the
count reaches 9, in ~ 20 minutes. Diode or counts 7 and 8
to another NPN through a 1K - that transistor can control a
relay to give you you a ~ 5 minute output.

+12 ---+---+ +------- Vcc to 555 and 4017 and relay
| c\ /e
| ---
| |
| [1K]
| | Dx
+-o o-+------|<---Counts 0-8 from 4017,
N/O | each count thru its own
| diode (Dx)
Gnd ---------+

The 33K ensures the transistor turns off when the 4017
is not counting from 0 through 8.

For your 5 minute output:

+Vcc ----+
| +---|<---Count 8 from 4017
\c |
NPN |---[1K]---+---|<---Count 7 from 4017
/e |
| |
Gnd -----+----[33K]---+

The relay needs a diode across it with the cathode
connected on the + side.


Right, so basically I connect to the npn transistor by diodes (or
leds?) with pins 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 10

Yes those are the correct pins, but you need to add
more pins - pin 9 and pin 10. That will give you
counts 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, and 8. Each count stays
active for 2.5 seconds, so the timing cycle is
2.5 * 8 = 20 seconds. Each output (count) goes +
for 2.5 seconds. The output is connected through
a diode, and the cathodes of t6he diodes are connected
together. The base of the NPN is connected to the cathodes
through a 1K resistor.

Groan - you wanted 2.5 minutes, not seconds. Change the
word seconds to minutes above. Correction to the 555
components appears below. Also, I added 1 pin too
many. You want counts 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7, so you need
to add pin 10 (not pins 9 and 10 - do not add pin 9).

The collector of that NPN is connected to the plus
side of whatever power supply you are using. The power
supply needs to be between 5 and 15 volts. The emitter
of that NPN provides power for the 4017, the 555 and the

and use pins 5and 6 connected to

No, use pins 6 and 9.

^^^ ^^ ^^
Yes, use pins 5 and 6

They are connected to 2 more diodes.
Those two diodes als have their cathodes connected to a 1K
resistor, and the other side of that 1K resistor is connected
to the base of another NPN transistor. No opto isolator is
needed or used.

the npn and opto-isolation device instead for switching another npn
for a relay. It�s the same as a diode but using less power than the
relay, so I figured that out its now the 555 timer connection and
circuit to the cmos chip.

The tech sheet I was looking at started from output 0, this means
pins 9 and 11 don�t use (just incase someone else finds this useful)

You will use pin 9, but you won't use pin 11

right the 555 pinout?
1,is gnd
2, E from npn
3, connect to hi-low on cmos
4,dont use
5,dont use
6, connect to ground?
7, connect c+r to 1
8, V+

please can you confirm I have this correct

No - see below.

What do the diodes and the switch connect to on the npn,

The base of the NPN, through a 1K resistor.

I really need
a better drawing.
I did see on the tech sheet of the cmos chip it sounds like that the
output pins give out different power or something as it suggests that
only certain pins to be used to time another decade counter cmos chip,
is this right if so do I still use diode to the npn?

For a diagram of the 555, see this url:

You will select R1, R2 and C to set the timing for
~ 2.5 seconds. Start with R1 = 33K and use a 50K
pot for R2. For C, use a 33 uF electrolytic.
You can adjust the pot to "fine tune" the 2.5
second pulses that the 555 will produce.

Aaargh! I figured the timing components for the 555
based on seconds, not minutes. Change R1 to 330K,
R2 to a 500K pot, and C to a 220 uf cap to get 2.5
_minute_ timing.


You can also find a diagram of the 4017 at

Connect the output (pin 3) of the 555 to the clock input
of the 4017 through a 1K resistor.

If this is not clear, I can email a jpg schematic
to you.

lol i fell asleep sending an email again... didnt see your latest post
but the latest mail has an interesting section that the last 2 output
pins still need to be connected to the first npn otherwise the 555 and
4017 will power down.. thus i think it also needs to be connected to
another diode to the npn
to stop power coming back from the other outputs and still allow the
latter 2 to send power to both... i really need to get a breadboard
and the components..

thanks for the better pictures and diagrams in the links that helped
loads! im just awake at 14:30 ahh i got work soon :/ well catch you
later like erm 3 am? UK time :D
Right, an update
i have created a diagram using m$ paint with BIG thanks to ehsjr's
help on this subject!
if interested email me and i shall mail you the diagram.

this is for a time delay for the digi-safes, i think it should be
good, i was thinking of changing the npn2 for opto-isolator to break /
make the connection with the solenoid so you still need to type the
pin in etc just only works after the 15 mins are up and in to the 5
min stage..

well so we have it
On Mon, 29 Sep 2008 18:28:35 -0700 (PDT), porkysh1t@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

right what i need is a diagram for the conditions i need... let me

i need to press and release a NO switch and after certain time like
say 15 mins i need it to engage a relay for say 5 mins then disengage
the relay and wait for the push button again after.
**i could go as far as opto-isolation as it doesnt need much current
for switching but it does need seperation

many thanks

ps i seen many diagrams with this tan and other but there talking
beyond what need to know.. i got a strong guess i need 2x555 and
perhaps what they call a "flip flop" circuit unless anyone has a
better idea?
15 minutes is kinda tough to get out of a 555 reliably so,
somewhat akin to Ed's scheme, (but with gates instead of diodes:)


Since you Google Groupers can't access USENET binaries I'll email you a
..pdf of the schematic.

Also, an LTspice circuit list of the last five stages of the counter
follows so you can do a simulation, if you're so inclined:

Version 4
SHEET 1 2580 1364
WIRE 1792 48 -128 48
WIRE 448 96 176 96
WIRE 736 96 464 96
WIRE 1024 96 752 96
WIRE 1312 96 1040 96
WIRE 1600 96 1328 96
WIRE -128 112 -128 48
WIRE -96 112 -128 112
WIRE -240 128 -288 128
WIRE 304 128 128 128
WIRE 592 128 304 128
WIRE 880 128 592 128
WIRE 1168 128 880 128
WIRE 1456 128 1168 128
WIRE -144 144 -176 144
WIRE -96 144 -144 144
WIRE -16 144 -32 144
WIRE -144 176 -144 144
WIRE 304 176 304 128
WIRE 592 176 592 128
WIRE 880 176 880 128
WIRE 1168 176 1168 128
WIRE 1456 176 1456 128
WIRE 1872 208 1760 208
WIRE 2032 208 1936 208
WIRE 176 224 176 96
WIRE 224 224 176 224
WIRE 416 224 384 224
WIRE 464 224 464 96
WIRE 512 224 464 224
WIRE 704 224 672 224
WIRE 752 224 752 96
WIRE 800 224 752 224
WIRE 992 224 960 224
WIRE 1040 224 1040 96
WIRE 1088 224 1040 224
WIRE 1280 224 1248 224
WIRE 1328 224 1328 96
WIRE 1376 224 1328 224
WIRE 1568 224 1536 224
WIRE 2192 224 2096 224
WIRE 2304 224 2192 224
WIRE 1696 240 1648 240
WIRE 1792 256 1792 48
WIRE 1792 256 1760 256
WIRE -288 272 -288 128
WIRE -144 272 -144 256
WIRE -144 272 -288 272
WIRE -112 272 -144 272
WIRE -16 272 -16 144
WIRE -16 272 -48 272
WIRE 0 272 -16 272
WIRE 48 272 0 272
WIRE 224 272 112 272
WIRE 448 272 448 96
WIRE 448 272 400 272
WIRE 512 272 448 272
WIRE 736 272 736 96
WIRE 736 272 688 272
WIRE 800 272 736 272
WIRE 1024 272 1024 96
WIRE 1024 272 976 272
WIRE 1088 272 1024 272
WIRE 1312 272 1312 96
WIRE 1312 272 1264 272
WIRE 1376 272 1312 272
WIRE 1600 272 1600 96
WIRE 1600 272 1552 272
WIRE 2192 272 2192 224
WIRE 2304 272 2304 224
WIRE 1648 288 1648 240
WIRE 1792 288 1792 256
WIRE 1648 320 1792 288
WIRE 1792 320 1648 288
WIRE 1792 352 1792 320
WIRE 1792 352 1744 352
WIRE 304 368 304 320
WIRE 592 368 592 320
WIRE 592 368 304 368
WIRE 880 368 880 320
WIRE 880 368 592 368
WIRE 1168 368 1168 320
WIRE 1168 368 880 368
WIRE 1456 368 1456 320
WIRE 1456 368 1168 368
WIRE 1648 368 1648 320
WIRE 1648 368 1456 368
WIRE 1680 368 1648 368
WIRE 1792 416 1744 416
WIRE 1984 432 1936 432
WIRE 2112 432 2048 432
WIRE 2240 432 2112 432
WIRE 1792 464 1792 416
WIRE 1936 464 1936 432
WIRE 2112 464 2112 432
WIRE 128 592 128 128
WIRE 1792 592 1792 544
WIRE 1792 592 128 592
WIRE 1920 592 1792 592
WIRE 1936 592 1936 544
WIRE 1936 592 1920 592
WIRE 2096 592 1936 592
WIRE 2112 592 2112 544
WIRE 2112 592 2096 592
WIRE 2192 592 2192 352
WIRE 2192 592 2112 592
WIRE 1280 848 1280 224
WIRE 1696 848 1280 848
WIRE 1792 848 1760 848
WIRE 2096 848 2096 592
WIRE 992 880 992 224
WIRE 1696 880 992 880
WIRE 1792 896 1792 848
WIRE 1824 896 1792 896
WIRE 2016 896 1888 896
WIRE 2384 896 2176 896
WIRE 1824 928 1792 928
WIRE 2016 944 1952 944
WIRE 2480 944 2448 944
WIRE 2384 960 2336 960
WIRE 704 976 704 224
WIRE 1696 976 704 976
WIRE 1792 976 1792 928
WIRE 1792 976 1760 976
WIRE 2336 992 2336 960
WIRE 2480 992 2480 944
WIRE 416 1008 416 224
WIRE 1696 1008 416 1008
WIRE 2096 1024 2096 992
WIRE 2240 1024 2240 432
WIRE 2240 1024 2096 1024
WIRE 2336 1024 2480 992
WIRE 2480 1024 2336 992
WIRE 2336 1056 2336 1024
WIRE 2368 1056 2336 1056
WIRE 0 1072 0 272
WIRE 1952 1072 1952 944
WIRE 1952 1072 0 1072
WIRE 2096 1072 2096 1024
WIRE 2480 1072 2480 1024
WIRE 2480 1072 2432 1072
WIRE 1568 1120 1568 224
WIRE 1696 1120 1568 1120
WIRE 2016 1120 1760 1120
WIRE 2304 1120 2304 336
WIRE 2304 1120 2176 1120
WIRE 2368 1120 2304 1120
WIRE 992 1152 992 880
WIRE 1696 1152 992 1152
WIRE 1952 1168 1952 1072
WIRE 2016 1168 1952 1168
WIRE 1920 1264 1920 592
WIRE 2096 1264 2096 1216
WIRE 2096 1264 1920 1264
WIRE 1920 1312 1920 1264
FLAG 1920 1312 0
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 304 176 R0
SYMATTR Value2 trise 1e-6 tfall 1e-6 vhigh 5V
SYMBOL Digital\\inv 48 208 R0
SYMATTR Value2 trise 1e-6 tfall 1e-6 vhigh 5V
SYMBOL Digital\\or -208 64 R0
SYMATTR Value2 trise 1e-6 tfall 1e-6 vhigh 5v
SYMBOL cap -48 256 R90
WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value 1e-8
SYMBOL res -160 160 R0
WINDOW 0 -41 38 Left 0
WINDOW 3 -51 68 Left 0
SYMATTR Value 182K
SYMBOL Digital\\or -64 64 R0
SYMATTR Value2 trise 10e-9 tfall 10e-9 vhigh 5v
SYMBOL Digital\\and 1728 800 R0
SYMATTR Value2 trise 1e-6 tfall 1e-6 vhigh 5V
SYMBOL Digital\\or 2416 864 R0
SYMATTR InstName A13
SYMATTR Value2 trise 1E-6 tfall 1E-6 vhigh 5v
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 592 176 R0
SYMATTR Value2 trise 1e-6 tfall 1e-6 vhigh 5V
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 880 176 R0
SYMATTR Value2 trise 1e-6 tfall 1e-6 vhigh 5V
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 1168 176 R0
SYMATTR Value2 trise 1e-6 tfall 1e-6 vhigh 5V
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 1456 176 R0
SYMATTR Value2 trise 1e-6 tfall 1e-6 vhigh 5V
SYMBOL Digital\\and 1856 848 R0
SYMATTR InstName A10
SYMATTR Value2 trise 1e-6 tfall 1e-6 vhigh 5V
SYMBOL Digital\\and 1728 928 R0
SYMATTR InstName A11
SYMATTR Value2 trise 1e-6 tfall 1e-6 vhigh 5V
SYMBOL Digital\\and 1728 1072 R0
SYMATTR InstName A12
SYMATTR Value2 trise 1e-6 tfall 1e-6 vhigh 5V
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 2096 848 R0
SYMATTR InstName A15
SYMATTR Value2 trise 1e-6 tfall 1e-6 vhigh 5V
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 2096 1072 R0
SYMATTR InstName A16
SYMATTR Value2 trise 1e-6 tfall 1e-6 vhigh 5V
SYMBOL voltage 1936 448 M0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMBOL cap 1984 416 M90
WINDOW 0 -28 33 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 -30 31 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value 1E-8
SYMBOL res 2128 448 M0
WINDOW 0 47 44 Left 0
WINDOW 3 34 80 Left 0
SYMATTR Value 100K
SYMBOL Digital\\or 2400 1152 M180
SYMATTR InstName A14
SYMATTR Value2 trise 1E-6 tfall 1E-6 vhigh 5v
SYMBOL Digital\\or 1712 448 R180
SYMATTR InstName A17
SYMATTR Value2 trise 1E-6 tfall 1E-6 vhigh 5v
SYMBOL Digital\\or 1728 160 M0
SYMATTR InstName A18
SYMATTR Value2 trise 1E-6 tfall 1E-6 vhigh 5v
SYMBOL Digital\\or 1904 288 R180
WINDOW 0 -30 125 Left 0
SYMATTR InstName A19
SYMATTR Value2 trise 1E-6 tfall 1E-6 vhigh 5v
SYMBOL Digital\\or 2064 288 R180
WINDOW 0 -38 124 Left 0
SYMATTR InstName A20
SYMATTR Value2 trise 1E-6 tfall 1E-6 vhigh 5v
SYMBOL voltage 1792 448 R0
WINDOW 3 24 104 Invisible 0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value PULSE(0 5 .02 1E-6 1E-6 1E-5)
SYMBOL cap 2288 272 R0
SYMATTR Value 1E-8
SYMBOL res 2208 256 M0
WINDOW 0 47 44 Left 0
WINDOW 3 34 80 Left 0
SYMATTR Value 100K
TEXT 2056 1288 Right 0 !.tran .2 uic

Do you need/want a circuit description?

On Mon, 06 Oct 2008 06:22:10 -0500, John Fields
<jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

On Mon, 29 Sep 2008 18:28:35 -0700 (PDT), porkysh1t@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

right what i need is a diagram for the conditions i need... let me

i need to press and release a NO switch and after certain time like
say 15 mins i need it to engage a relay for say 5 mins then disengage
the relay and wait for the push button again after.
**i could go as far as opto-isolation as it doesnt need much current
for switching but it does need seperation

many thanks

ps i seen many diagrams with this tan and other but there talking
beyond what need to know.. i got a strong guess i need 2x555 and
perhaps what they call a "flip flop" circuit unless anyone has a
better idea?

15 minutes is kinda tough to get out of a 555 reliably so,
somewhat akin to Ed's scheme, (but with gates instead of diodes:)


Since you Google Groupers can't access USENET binaries I'll email you a
.pdf of the schematic.

Do you need/want a circuit description?
What the heck...

Here's how it works:

When power is first turned on, U5-1 and U5-10 will be held low until C2
charges up through R3. That will force U5-5 low and U5-9 high,
resetting the latch comprising U1C and U1D, and U1-13 going low will
keep Q1 and K1 turned off.

U5-9 going high will also create a momentary high-going spike by being
differentiated by C3 and R4, and will set the latch comprising U3A and
U3B. U3-4 being forced high, then, will reset the counter, U2, and
disable the astable multivibrator clock oscillator comprising U1A and

The circuit will remain stable in this state until S1 is made, whereupon
the latch (U3A-U3B) will be reset and U3-4 going low will enable the
clock oscillator and U2, allowing it to accumulate counts.

After counting for 15 minutes Q10, Q11, Q12, and Q13 will all be high.

That state will be decoded by the AND gates U4A, U4B, and U4C, with the
result being that U4-9 will go high at that time.

That high will be presented to the "D" input of U5A and, after the next
high-going transition of U2-7 will appear at U5-5, the "Q" output of

U5A going high will set the latch U1C-U1D, forcing U1-13 high, which
will turn on Q1 and energize the relay.

One minute later, Q10, Q11, Q12 and Q13 will all go low and Q14 will go
high. Then, four minutes later, Q12 will go high and, when it does,
U4-11 will go high. That high will propagate through U5-B with the next
rising edge of U2-7 and will reset the latch U1C-U1D.

That will turn off Q1 and K1, set U3A-U3B, reset and disable U2, and
stop the clock oscillator U1A-U1B until S1 is again made and the cycle
started anew.

The clock oscillator frequency is determined by considering that if 15
minutes can cause a counter's four next-to-highest MSBs to be set:

1 1 1 1 0

then one minute later The MSB will be set:

0 0 0 0 1

and, four minutes later, the "4" bit will also be set:

0 0 1 0 1

and all that'll be needed to turn the relay on will be to decode the
"15" (1 1 1 1 0) state and, to turn it off, to decode the "20"
(0 0 1 0 1) state as explained previously.

Now, since U2 is a 14 stage binary counter and we need the MSB to go
high after 16 minutes, (960 seconds) we can make a table:

Q14 960

Q13 480

Q12 240

Q11 120

Q10 60

Q9 30

Q8 15

Q7 7.5

Q6 3.75

Q5 1.875

Q4 0.938

Q3 0.469

Q2 0.234

Q1 0.117

CLK 0.059

The period of the clock oscillator will be about 1.8RC, so if we
arbitrarily set the capacitance to 0.1ľF and the period to 0.059
seconds, we can solve for the resistance:

T 0.059s
R = ------- = --------------- = 327,777... ~ 328K ohms
1.8C 1.8 * 1.0E-7F

Since the frequency (about 17 Hz) will probably need to be adjusted, a
750K pot will put it right at about midpoint of the pot's range.

On Oct 6, 2:23 pm, John Fields <jfie...@austininstruments.com> wrote:
On Mon, 06 Oct 2008 06:22:10 -0500, John Fields

jfie...@austininstruments.com> wrote:
On Mon, 29 Sep 2008 18:28:35 -0700 (PDT), porkys...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

right what i need is a diagram for the conditions i need... let me

i need to press and release a NO switch and after certain time like
say 15 mins i need it to engage a relay for say 5 mins then disengage
the relay and wait for the push button again after.
**i could go as far as opto-isolation as it doesnt need much current
for switching but it does need seperation

many thanks

ps i seen many diagrams with this tan and other but there talking
beyond what need to know.. i got a strong guess i need 2x555 and
perhaps what they call a "flip flop" circuit unless anyone has a
better idea?

15 minutes is kinda tough to get out of a 555 reliably so,
somewhat akin to Ed's scheme, (but with gates instead of diodes:)


Since you Google Groupers can't access USENET binaries I'll email you a
.pdf of the schematic.


Do you need/want a circuit description?

What the heck...

Here's how it works:

When power is first turned on, U5-1 and U5-10 will be held low until C2
charges up through R3. That will force U5-5 low and U5-9 high,
resetting the latch comprising U1C and U1D, and U1-13 going low will
keep Q1 and K1 turned off.

U5-9 going high will also create a momentary high-going spike by being
differentiated by C3 and R4, and will set the latch comprising U3A and
U3B. U3-4 being forced high, then, will reset the counter, U2, and
disable the astable multivibrator clock oscillator comprising U1A and

The circuit will remain stable in this state until S1 is made, whereupon
the latch (U3A-U3B) will be reset and U3-4 going low will enable the
clock oscillator and U2, allowing it to accumulate counts.

After counting for 15 minutes Q10, Q11, Q12, and Q13 will all be high.

That state will be decoded by the AND gates U4A, U4B, and U4C, with the
result being that U4-9 will go high at that time.

That high will be presented to the "D" input of U5A and, after the next
high-going transition of U2-7 will appear at U5-5, the "Q" output of

U5A going high will set the latch U1C-U1D, forcing U1-13 high, which
will turn on Q1 and energize the relay.

One minute later, Q10, Q11, Q12 and Q13 will all go low and Q14 will go
high. Then, four minutes later, Q12 will go high and, when it does,
U4-11 will go high. That high will propagate through U5-B with the next
rising edge of U2-7 and will reset the latch U1C-U1D.

That will turn off Q1 and K1, set U3A-U3B, reset and disable U2, and
stop the clock oscillator U1A-U1B until S1 is again made and the cycle
started anew.

The clock oscillator frequency is determined by considering that if 15
minutes can cause a counter's four next-to-highest MSBs to be set:

1 1 1 1 0

then one minute later The MSB will be set:

0 0 0 0 1

and, four minutes later, the "4" bit will also be set:

0 0 1 0 1

and all that'll be needed to turn the relay on will be to decode the
"15" (1 1 1 1 0) state and, to turn it off, to decode the "20"
(0 0 1 0 1) state as explained previously.

Now, since U2 is a 14 stage binary counter and we need the MSB to go
high after 16 minutes, (960 seconds) we can make a table:

Q14 960

Q13 480

Q12 240

Q11 120

Q10 60

Q9 30

Q8 15

Q7 7.5

Q6 3.75

Q5 1.875

Q4 0.938

Q3 0.469

Q2 0.234

Q1 0.117

CLK 0.059

The period of the clock oscillator will be about 1.8RC, so if we
arbitrarily set the capacitance to 0.1ľF and the period to 0.059
seconds, we can solve for the resistance:

T 0.059s
R = ------- = --------------- = 327,777... ~ 328K ohms
1.8C 1.8 * 1.0E-7F

Since the frequency (about 17 Hz) will probably need to be adjusted, a
750K pot will put it right at about midpoint of the pot's range.

thanks john, i did try to email you but it bounced. im sorry this
looks like what i put in the ps on my original posting, it absoloutly
confuses the heck out of me! i see - or nand and nor gates in the
discriptions and have no idea, give me a component like i dunno erm ??
a general npn or even the 555, 4017 ic i understand that.
if you could suply a basic components list (Ed's list is basic, some
may see it crude- but it works not too many components and many the
same... helps when buying as you usually have to buy 10 of something
not just 1 resistor say. the way its composed he told me how it works
but not why it works - no, and nand etc)

ANYWAY! thanks again, someone reading this will understand and be able
to use your information, just im not in deep with electronics.
regards Ian
porkysh1t@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
On Oct 6, 2:23 pm, John Fields <jfie...@austininstruments.com> wrote:

On Mon, 06 Oct 2008 06:22:10 -0500, John Fields

jfie...@austininstruments.com> wrote:

On Mon, 29 Sep 2008 18:28:35 -0700 (PDT), porkys...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

right what i need is a diagram for the conditions i need... let me

i need to press and release a NO switch and after certain time like
say 15 mins i need it to engage a relay for say 5 mins then disengage
the relay and wait for the push button again after.
**i could go as far as opto-isolation as it doesnt need much current
for switching but it does need seperation

many thanks

ps i seen many diagrams with this tan and other but there talking
beyond what need to know.. i got a strong guess i need 2x555 and
perhaps what they call a "flip flop" circuit unless anyone has a
better idea?

15 minutes is kinda tough to get out of a 555 reliably so,
somewhat akin to Ed's scheme, (but with gates instead of diodes:)


Since you Google Groupers can't access USENET binaries I'll email you a
.pdf of the schematic.


Do you need/want a circuit description?

What the heck...

Here's how it works:

When power is first turned on, U5-1 and U5-10 will be held low until C2
charges up through R3. That will force U5-5 low and U5-9 high,
resetting the latch comprising U1C and U1D, and U1-13 going low will
keep Q1 and K1 turned off.

U5-9 going high will also create a momentary high-going spike by being
differentiated by C3 and R4, and will set the latch comprising U3A and
U3B. U3-4 being forced high, then, will reset the counter, U2, and
disable the astable multivibrator clock oscillator comprising U1A and

The circuit will remain stable in this state until S1 is made, whereupon
the latch (U3A-U3B) will be reset and U3-4 going low will enable the
clock oscillator and U2, allowing it to accumulate counts.

After counting for 15 minutes Q10, Q11, Q12, and Q13 will all be high.

That state will be decoded by the AND gates U4A, U4B, and U4C, with the
result being that U4-9 will go high at that time.

That high will be presented to the "D" input of U5A and, after the next
high-going transition of U2-7 will appear at U5-5, the "Q" output of

U5A going high will set the latch U1C-U1D, forcing U1-13 high, which
will turn on Q1 and energize the relay.

One minute later, Q10, Q11, Q12 and Q13 will all go low and Q14 will go
high. Then, four minutes later, Q12 will go high and, when it does,
U4-11 will go high. That high will propagate through U5-B with the next
rising edge of U2-7 and will reset the latch U1C-U1D.

That will turn off Q1 and K1, set U3A-U3B, reset and disable U2, and
stop the clock oscillator U1A-U1B until S1 is again made and the cycle
started anew.

The clock oscillator frequency is determined by considering that if 15
minutes can cause a counter's four next-to-highest MSBs to be set:

1 1 1 1 0

then one minute later The MSB will be set:

0 0 0 0 1

and, four minutes later, the "4" bit will also be set:

0 0 1 0 1

and all that'll be needed to turn the relay on will be to decode the
"15" (1 1 1 1 0) state and, to turn it off, to decode the "20"
(0 0 1 0 1) state as explained previously.

Now, since U2 is a 14 stage binary counter and we need the MSB to go
high after 16 minutes, (960 seconds) we can make a table:

Q14 960

Q13 480

Q12 240

Q11 120

Q10 60

Q9 30

Q8 15

Q7 7.5

Q6 3.75

Q5 1.875

Q4 0.938

Q3 0.469

Q2 0.234

Q1 0.117

CLK 0.059

The period of the clock oscillator will be about 1.8RC, so if we
arbitrarily set the capacitance to 0.1ľF and the period to 0.059
seconds, we can solve for the resistance:

T 0.059s
R = ------- = --------------- = 327,777... ~ 328K ohms
1.8C 1.8 * 1.0E-7F

Since the frequency (about 17 Hz) will probably need to be adjusted, a
750K pot will put it right at about midpoint of the pot's range.


thanks john, i did try to email you but it bounced. im sorry this
looks like what i put in the ps on my original posting, it absoloutly
confuses the heck out of me! i see - or nand and nor gates in the
discriptions and have no idea, give me a component like i dunno erm ??
a general npn or even the 555, 4017 ic i understand that.
if you could suply a basic components list (Ed's list is basic, some
may see it crude- but it works not too many components and many the
same... helps when buying as you usually have to buy 10 of something
not just 1 resistor say. the way its composed he told me how it works
but not why it works - no, and nand etc)

ANYWAY! thanks again, someone reading this will understand and be able
to use your information, just im not in deep with electronics.
regards Ian
While you might not understand it at first glance, you could
learn something from John's post, if you are interested. What
John posts is always of value, and that is particularly true
in this case. Essentially, the internal circuitry in the 4017
works pretty much the same as the circuit John posted. When
you understand what he wrote, you'll also understand what is
going on inside a 4017 - and more.

On Wed, 08 Oct 2008 18:42:59 GMT, ehsjr <ehsjr@NOSPAMverizon.net> wrote:

While you might not understand it at first glance, you could
learn something from John's post, if you are interested. What
John posts is always of value, and that is particularly true
in this case. Essentially, the internal circuitry in the 4017
works pretty much the same as the circuit John posted. When
you understand what he wrote, you'll also understand what is
going on inside a 4017 - and more.
Thanks, Ed, that's very kind of you. :)

On Oct 8, 10:52 pm, John Fields <jfie...@austininstruments.com> wrote:
On Wed, 08 Oct 2008 18:42:59 GMT, ehsjr <eh...@NOSPAMverizon.net> wrote:
While you might not understand it at first glance, you could
learn something from John's post, if you are interested. What
John posts is always of value, and that is particularly true
in this case. Essentially, the internal circuitry in the 4017
works pretty much the same as the circuit John posted. When
you understand what he wrote, you'll also understand what is
going on inside a 4017 - and more.

Thanks, Ed, that's very kind of you. :)

yes i absoloutly agree! that is why i also thanked john (not like
some who just put people down) someone who wants and has time to learn
indepth about the way it works, me personally i have many hobbies and
i also start learning some stuff and then i just give it in as its too
confusing or what might seem on the top. i have so many unfinished
projects unfinished because things are too costly or i dont have the
correct tools or just loose interest...
if someone wants to look into my latter project, was kind of
interesting all i needed was someone with a vac-forming machine and i
could of easly had a final product out of beta range, it was Optical
ornamentation "to find hidden cameras" even hidden cameras that dont
work.... its called optical augmentation
On Wed, 8 Oct 2008 15:47:51 -0700 (PDT), porkysh1t@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

On Oct 8, 10:52 pm, John Fields <jfie...@austininstruments.com> wrote:
On Wed, 08 Oct 2008 18:42:59 GMT, ehsjr <eh...@NOSPAMverizon.net> wrote:
While you might not understand it at first glance, you could
learn something from John's post, if you are interested. What
John posts is always of value, and that is particularly true
in this case. Essentially, the internal circuitry in the 4017
works pretty much the same as the circuit John posted. When
you understand what he wrote, you'll also understand what is
going on inside a 4017 - and more.

Thanks, Ed, that's very kind of you. :)


yes i absoloutly agree! that is why i also thanked john (not like
some who just put people down) someone who wants and has time to learn
indepth about the way it works, me personally i have many hobbies and
i also start learning some stuff and then i just give it in as its too
confusing or what might seem on the top. i have so many unfinished
projects unfinished because things are too costly or i dont have the
correct tools or just loose interest...
if someone wants to look into my latter project, was kind of
interesting all i needed was someone with a vac-forming machine and i
could of easly had a final product out of beta range, it was Optical
ornamentation "to find hidden cameras" even hidden cameras that dont
work.... its called optical augmentation
You need to learn how to walk before you hurt yourself trying to fly.

On Oct 1, 1:02 am, ehsjr <eh...@NOSPAMverizon.net> wrote:
porkys...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
right what i need is a diagram for the conditions i need... let me

i need to press and release a NO switch and after certain time like
say 15 mins i need it to engage a relay for say 5 mins then disengage
the relay and wait for the push button again after.
**i could go as far as opto-isolation as it doesnt need much current
for switching but it does need seperation

many thanks

ps i seen many diagrams with this tan and other but there talking
beyond what need to know.. i got a strong guess i need 2x555 and
perhaps what they call a "flip flop" circuit unless anyone has a
better idea?

Getting 15 minutes from a 555 reliably is tough. Instead,
set the 555 to run astable at ~2.5 minutes, and use its
output as the clock for a 4017.

Diode or all of the 4017 outputs except count 9 to the base
of an NPN and a 1K. An example of the "diode or" is best seen
in the second partial schematic below. The schematics are
representative of what you need to do, not complete. The N/O
switch also connects to the commoned cathodes of the diodes.
The NPN controls power to the circuit. Pressing the button
turns the NPN on, and the 4017 keeps it turned on until the
count reaches 9, in ~ 20 minutes. Diode or counts 7 and 8
to another NPN through a 1K - that transistor can control a
relay to give you you a ~ 5 minute output.

+12 ---+---+ +------- Vcc to 555 and 4017 and relay
| c\ /e
| ---
| |
| [1K]
| | Dx
+-o o-+------|<---Counts 0-8 from 4017,
N/O | each count thru its own
| diode (Dx)
Gnd ---------+

The 33K ensures the transistor turns off when the 4017
is not counting from 0 through 8.

For your 5 minute output:

+Vcc ----+
| +---|<---Count 8 from 4017
\c |
NPN |---[1K]---+---|<---Count 7 from 4017
/e |
| |
Gnd -----+----[33K]---+

The relay needs a diode across it with the cathode
connected on the + side.

Right, so basically I connect to the npn transistor by diodes (or
leds?) with pins 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 10 and use pins 5and 6 connected to
the npn and opto-isolation device instead for switching another npn
for a relay. It’s the same as a diode but using less power than the
relay, so I figured that out its now the 555 timer connection and
circuit to the cmos chip.

The tech sheet I was looking at started from output 0, this means
pins 9 and 11 don’t use (just incase someone else finds this useful)

right the 555 pinout?
1,is gnd
2, E from npn
3, connect to hi-low on cmos
4,dont use
5,dont use
6, connect to ground?
7, connect c+r to 1
8, V+

please can you confirm I have this correct

What do the diodes and the switch connect to on the npn, I really need
a better drawing.
I did see on the tech sheet of the cmos chip it sounds like that the
output pins give out different power or something as it suggests that
only certain pins to be used to time another decade counter cmos chip,
is this right if so do I still use diode to the npn?

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