IBM PC isplay


Tom Terlizzi

anyone know if there is a device to convert old RT to LCD display?
On Dec 15, 9:26 am, Tom Terlizzi <> wrote:
anyone know if there is a device to convert old RT to LCD display?
If it's std VGA...PnP!
Tom Terlizzi wrote:
anyone know if there is a device to convert old RT to LCD display?
If CGA or EGA look for "CGA/EGA to VGA converter" on eBay.

There is a quality difference of course, so you will have to choose wisely.

John :-#)#

(Please post followups or tech enquiries to the newsgroup)
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Tom Terlizzi wrote:
anyone know if there is a device to convert old RT to LCD display?
I assume you are talking about an IBM RISC 6000 and not a "real PC".

In that case it should have a 13W3 connector for the display. This looks
like a DB-25 connector with 3 large pins and a few small ones on the side.

Back when I was using such things on SUN computers, I had a VGA cable,
one with a 13W3 on one end and a VGA plug on the other. The problem with
using them on an LCD is where the SYNC signals are.

Some computers of that vintage had separate SYNC connections, some put the
SYNC pulses on the GREEN line. You have to make sure of what the computer
is putting out, and get an appropriate monitor.

There are LCDs with SYNC ON GREEN, you can find them if you look for them.

There are also monitors with BNC connectors (separate jacks for RED, GREEN,
BLUE and SYNC) and I expect that your current monitor uses one. You should
be able to find an LCD monitor that has BNC connectors, supports the resoution
you need and so on, but it won't be an off the shelf item at Wal-Mart.

Note that these computers had very limited choices in the resolutions supported
and they were designed for a 4:3 aspect ratio. This may complicate the choice
of monitor.

Geoffrey S. Mendelson, N3OWJ/4X1GM
My high blood pressure medicine reduces my midichlorian count. :-(

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