if you do not get an option to start it in the menu with options f1 go
to bios,f12 select temp boot device
does that mean it has been ran over(although with undelete program you
can see the pre desktop folders)
or perhaps inside thebios selecting secure, or disabled instead of
Normal for acess to the predesktop partition would change things?(what
do those terms mean anyway-bios says:secure=no change,normal=hidden
form os,changeok,disabled=not usable.not hidden(reclaimable)?
to bios,f12 select temp boot device
does that mean it has been ran over(although with undelete program you
can see the pre desktop folders)
or perhaps inside thebios selecting secure, or disabled instead of
Normal for acess to the predesktop partition would change things?(what
do those terms mean anyway-bios says:secure=no change,normal=hidden
form os,changeok,disabled=not usable.not hidden(reclaimable)?