IBM 21" Monitor - Slowly got dim over 3 minutes


A customer brought in an IBM model 6552-23N 21" computer monitor
that slowly went dim (over about 3 minutes). I'm guessing that the
heater or heater control has gone south.

Would anyone have the pinouts of the back of the tube so
I can check which pins supply power to the heater?


Tedd, VE3TJD
Depending on the accuracy of your ohm meter, two pins that result in a
reading of a few ohms will be the heater contacts.
Lower than one ohm are just internal connections.

I haven't looked at the CRT neck boards yet on a few of these same models
that are here for repair, but the H pins are sometimes marked on the board.

Refer to the S.E.R. Repair FAQ for safety precautions when considering DIY
troubleshooting or repairs of line powered equipment.


<t@rogers.canada> wrote in message

A customer brought in an IBM model 6552-23N 21" computer monitor
that slowly went dim (over about 3 minutes). I'm guessing that the
heater or heater control has gone south.

Would anyone have the pinouts of the back of the tube so
I can check which pins supply power to the heater?


Tedd, VE3TJD
On Tue, 2 Mar 2004 22:38:34 UTC, "Wild Bill" <>

I haven't looked at the CRT neck boards yet on a few of these same models
that are here for repair, but the H pins are sometimes marked on the board.
Hi WB:

I finally got room to put it on the bench, and indeed the heater
is clearly marked on the board. Found a bad fusible link on the
main board and she powered up with a nice bright display.

Thanks for the help.

Tedd, VE3TJD

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