I2c or SPI LCD



Hi there,
I'm searching a I2C or SPI LCD. Could you help me where I find
documents about I2C or SPI LCD? Which companies produce these? Do you
tell me web address about these?
I'm searching a I2C or SPI LCD. Could you help me where I find
documents about I2C or SPI LCD? Which companies produce these? Do you
tell me web address about these?
take any HD44780-compatible LCD, add a PCF8574A (I2C) or 74HC595 (SPI)
and you are done. NB I sell all three.

Wouter van Ooijen

-- ------------------------------------
PICmicro chips, programmers, consulting
Good idea! But I want a device which both I2C(or SPI) and LCD are
together. If I don't find I2C or SPI LCD, I'll try other ways.
Thank you very much for your suggestion.

wouter@voti.nl (Wouter van Ooijen (www.voti.nl)) wrote in message news:<40313122.171592817@news.xs4all.nl>...
I'm searching a I2C or SPI LCD. Could you help me where I find
documents about I2C or SPI LCD? Which companies produce these? Do you
tell me web address about these?

take any HD44780-compatible LCD, add a PCF8574A (I2C) or 74HC595 (SPI)
and you are done. NB I sell all three.

Wouter van Ooijen

-- ------------------------------------
PICmicro chips, programmers, consulting
Good idea! But I want a device which both I2C(or SPI) and LCD are
together. If I don't find I2C or SPI LCD, I'll try other ways.
I don't yet have a kit of that particular combination. Bit it is only
and LCD + one chip....

Wouter van Ooijen

-- ------------------------------------
PICmicro chips, programmers, consulting
BT 21605 I 2 C COG

2*16 LCD

"SnpEng" <reddettim@yahoo.com> skrev i meddelandet
Hi there,
I'm searching a I2C or SPI LCD. Could you help me where I find
documents about I2C or SPI LCD? Which companies produce these? Do you
tell me web address about these?
"SnpEng" <reddettim@yahoo.com> wrote in message
Hi there,
I'm searching a I2C or SPI LCD. Could you help me where I find
documents about I2C or SPI LCD? Which companies produce these? Do you
tell me web address about these?

I've used their parallel LCDs for a couple of years now.

Neil Bradley wrote:

"SnpEng" <reddettim@yahoo.com> wrote in message

Hi there,
I'm searching a I2C or SPI LCD. Could you help me where I find
documents about I2C or SPI LCD? Which companies produce these? Do you
tell me web address about these?


I've used their parallel LCDs for a couple of years now.


I use the Noritake Itron VFD Displays in all three of their operting
modes, that are serial, I2C and SPI. I did a lot with those LCD (
grafical and text only ones) but I wasn't proud of their bad viewing
angles and temperature sensitivity. And they all needed to much port pins.

As those VFDs have a 4x4 keyboard matrix controller implemented they
save additional port an memory if used with small controllers. Thats
worth the price.

Have a look at http://www.noritake-itron.com/
In germany the GU180x32D-K610A2 costs about 80 EUR which not much
compared with an adequate fully graphical LCD which needs additional
backlight, backlight inverter and negative supply for contrast, extra
keyboard controller and I2C or SPI converter.



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