Winfield Hill
We need a 1-meter length of 100kHz (or slower)
I2C onnection. It'd be nice to use a pre-made
cable: micro-USB, 4-wire RJ11, or RJ45 ethernet.
Some considerations: SCL and SDA crosstalk(?),
high ground capacitance. Also need 3.3V, Gnd.
Micro-USB: SCL and SDA twisted together, bad?
RJ11: flat, SCL and SDA on outside lines?
RJ45: SCL and SDA shielded from each other.
- Win
I2C onnection. It'd be nice to use a pre-made
cable: micro-USB, 4-wire RJ11, or RJ45 ethernet.
Some considerations: SCL and SDA crosstalk(?),
high ground capacitance. Also need 3.3V, Gnd.
Micro-USB: SCL and SDA twisted together, bad?
RJ11: flat, SCL and SDA on outside lines?
RJ45: SCL and SDA shielded from each other.
- Win