i Phone Is Sexist



Women With Long Finger Nails Complaining That iPhone Is Sexist
by Tim Stevens, posted Jun 18th 2008 at 1:04PM

It's easy to see how some gadgets might be biased towards those who are
right-handed versus left, and certainly some gadgets are completely
unfriendly toward those with disabilities. But can a gadget be sexist?
According to an article published in the Los Angeles Times, that's the claim
being made by many women who believe the iPhone is unfairly designed to be
completely unusable by those of the fairer sex with long fingernails.

Every application within the iPhone was specifically designed to be
accessible with your fingertip. The touchscreen detects your body's
electrical charge when it comes in contact with the device, enabling it to
determine where you pressed. As a result, fingernails (especially of the
glued-on variety) tend to get in the way while using the iPhone, which is
irritating some women profusely.

Some women are calling for the iPhone to be redesigned to include
stylus-control capability (as on some Windows Mobile and Palm Treo devices),
but we're more inclined to think that long fingernails went out in the early
'90s and that modern devices require modern manicures -- like the
meticulously pristine digits used in Apple's advertising. [Source:
DelawareOnline, via Shiny Shiny]


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