I need service mode and Schematics for nokia Nokia TV 7198 F



I need service mode and Schematics for nokia Nokia TV 7198 FX71L1 or
for some similar Nokia TV with FX chassis.

I saw "Nokia -FX71e1.pdf" 1072kb document it poses some kind of
service mode manual but I cant find most important part how to enter
service codes ,than there must be some taster combination if I want to
enter in service mode.
Can you please help me how to enter in service mode.

Second question is this schematics in "Nokia -FX71e1.pdf" is in real
low quality I cant see anything ,numbers ,etc..
Do you know some better schematic for This Nokia TV.

Thanks in Advance
On 25 Apr 2004 15:38:41 -0700, lackyluk2001@yahoo.com (Lucky) put
finger to keyboard and composed:

I need service mode and Schematics for nokia Nokia TV 7198 FX71L1 or
for some similar Nokia TV with FX chassis.

I saw "Nokia -FX71e1.pdf" 1072kb document it poses some kind of
service mode manual but I cant find most important part how to enter
service codes ,than there must be some taster combination if I want to
FWIW, "taste" is German for "key".

enter in service mode.

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 's' from my address when replying by email.
Franc Zabkar <fzabkar@optussnet.com.au> wrote in message news:<7qio80d4i1vmf5t9mjqm3f6tq51i3sahmq@4ax.com>...
On 25 Apr 2004 15:38:41 -0700, lackyluk2001@yahoo.com (Lucky) put
finger to keyboard and composed:

I need service mode and Schematics for nokia Nokia TV 7198 FX71L1 or
for some similar Nokia TV with FX chassis.

I saw "Nokia -FX71e1.pdf" 1072kb document it poses some kind of
service mode manual but I cant find most important part how to enter
service codes ,than there must be some taster combination if I want to
FWIW, "taste" is German for "key".

enter in service mode.

- Franc Zabkar

I still have problems entering in Service mode ,here is something from
literature in pdf's
Service mode from Service_FINLUX 74U1_SALORA _29V90 _CHASSIS FX.pdf

It sad "Switch on receiver by pressing the main switch and within 5s
or seconds press remote control buttons menu,TV and "i" successively.

I tried that and nothing ,IT didn't start in service mode

I have menu type A and remote control Type A Rcn610.
i found one more thing:
Note!The receiver is in the service mode although it looks like the
receiver is in stand-by mode!
Note!If the receiver remains in stand-by mode after selecting the
service mode ,switch on the receiver by pressing the TV button twice
and select the service mode by pressing the "i" button

I don't get it , how to enter in Service mode
TV is Nokia 7198 FX71L1 where is my mistake?

Used pdf's and pictures are:

Nokia FX-chassis.pdf 1665009
nokia1.tif 1115730
nokia2.tif 994698
nokia3.tif 994698
nokia4.tif 994698
nokia5.tif 994698
nokia6.tif 994698
nokia7.tif 994698
nokia8.tif 994698
nokia9.tif 994698
NOKIA FX 7195_SALORA 29V100.pdf 945259
Service_FINLUX 74U1_SALORA _29V90 _CHASSIS FX.pdf 853754
Service Mode NokiaMonoPlus90°.pdf 207186

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