I Need help to fix Zenith 9' tv/vcr combo


Tony Hays

I Need help to fix Zenith 9' tv/vcr combo

A vcr got stuck in the machine and was force

out now tv won't stay on, It's to new to

discard and new money to put in shop.

Thanks Tony
Tony Hays:
If it's too new to discard and too much money to put in the repair shop then
you should NOT have "forced" out the tape. Based on your self-described
technical prowess so far, the best advice that you could get is to TAKE it
to a repair shop for, at the very least, a repair cost estimate so you can
make an intelligent repair decision with facts instead of guesses. If you
take it to the repair shop AFTER another aborted or failed "do-it-yourself
and forced " repair attempt, the repair shop price will certainly be much
higher. TAKE it to a shop.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair

"Tony Hays" <tiger101@prodigy.net> wrote in message
I Need help to fix Zenith 9' tv/vcr combo

A vcr got stuck in the machine and was force

out now tv won't stay on, It's to new to

discard and new money to put in shop.

Thanks Tony
"Ken G." <goodguyy@webtv.net> wrote in message
Next time ask yourself which is worth more .. the tv set .. or the tape
inside it .

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Ken G:
You are correct.
Unfortunately, many times the TAPE is damaged along with expensive damage in
the VCR in a "forced" effort to get it out and back to the Video store
before they charge $1.50 for an extra rental day.
I have seen VCRs arrive in my shop in many bent and broken pieces after
being brutally disassembled and forced apart in order to get the tape back
to the Video Store....... the customer trashed the VCR and created $75
worth of damage, or more, to save an extra day rental fee..... and ruined
the tape too.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair
I have to agree here ...but unfortunatly those small sets are time
consuming to get apart to service .
You may have broken plastic parts that now need to be ordered and
replaced .
This could cost 75$ or more .

Take it to a repair shop that sells used tvs and offer it in trade for a
used one .

Then never pry or force anything again . These new machines do not take
much forcing due to thin plastic parts inside .

Next time ask yourself which is worth more .. the tv set .. or the tape
inside it .
Real problem is the fact if the set is a model TVBRXXXXX many of the
components are not available. These items are manufactured by a company
called Brocksonic which does not seem to want to supply repair parts. If you
can find a shop willing to find a scrap unit with a viable tape mechanism
than you may actually have a chance at repairing it.
"Sofie" <sofie@olypen.com> wrote in message
"Ken G." <goodguyy@webtv.net> wrote in message
Next time ask yourself which is worth more .. the tv set .. or the tape
inside it .

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Ken G:
You are correct.
Unfortunately, many times the TAPE is damaged along with expensive damage
the VCR in a "forced" effort to get it out and back to the Video store
before they charge $1.50 for an extra rental day.
I have seen VCRs arrive in my shop in many bent and broken pieces after
being brutally disassembled and forced apart in order to get the tape back
to the Video Store....... the customer trashed the VCR and created $75
worth of damage, or more, to save an extra day rental fee..... and ruined
the tape too.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair

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