About 1998, I went to Wal-Mart and purchased a Royal Electronic
Organizer for about $30 or $40. It wasn't real fancy, except for the
data port on the side which would interface with a PC and transfer data
to and from. I never sent away for the 1/8 to RS-232 cable and software
because I didn't own a PC at the time and when I did purchase my next PC
it would have been useless.
Well, I used the Royal for a few years until I got a cell fone which did
pretty much the same thing as the Royal did but it wasn't a bulky, had a
rechargeable battery, and I could make calls and send texts with the
damn thing. So, into a desk drawer the Royal went.
Fast forward to May 12, 2013 and I am cleaning out my desk drawer and
stumble upon said Royal. Turned it on, and surprisingly, it came on but
the display was really dull because the batteries were never replaced.
Also, there were lines of dead pixels and it was asking for a long
forgotten PIN number.
First thought across my mind was keeping it around as a relic or putting
it up on Ebay and maybe some hipster could give me $80 dollars for it.
Since was in shitty condition and I have a Casio organizer that is of
even earlier vintage, I decided that there was no point in keeping
device around.
I took it to the kitchen and threw it on the tile floor and after a loud
crash the cover unhinged and the battery cover became airborne and there
were three button batteries on the ground with some screws and metal tabs.
I took it to the bathroom and threw it on the tile floor in the bathroom
and after another loud bang it broke in half. After that, I took it to
the bedroom where I propped it up, hit it with a hammer, and the bottom
half of the unit, the top half of the unit and the LCD display all went
their separate ways.
At this point the Royal was finished but I decided to hit it again with
the hammer just for the hell of it.
Organizer for about $30 or $40. It wasn't real fancy, except for the
data port on the side which would interface with a PC and transfer data
to and from. I never sent away for the 1/8 to RS-232 cable and software
because I didn't own a PC at the time and when I did purchase my next PC
it would have been useless.
Well, I used the Royal for a few years until I got a cell fone which did
pretty much the same thing as the Royal did but it wasn't a bulky, had a
rechargeable battery, and I could make calls and send texts with the
damn thing. So, into a desk drawer the Royal went.
Fast forward to May 12, 2013 and I am cleaning out my desk drawer and
stumble upon said Royal. Turned it on, and surprisingly, it came on but
the display was really dull because the batteries were never replaced.
Also, there were lines of dead pixels and it was asking for a long
forgotten PIN number.
First thought across my mind was keeping it around as a relic or putting
it up on Ebay and maybe some hipster could give me $80 dollars for it.
Since was in shitty condition and I have a Casio organizer that is of
even earlier vintage, I decided that there was no point in keeping
device around.
I took it to the kitchen and threw it on the tile floor and after a loud
crash the cover unhinged and the battery cover became airborne and there
were three button batteries on the ground with some screws and metal tabs.
I took it to the bathroom and threw it on the tile floor in the bathroom
and after another loud bang it broke in half. After that, I took it to
the bedroom where I propped it up, hit it with a hammer, and the bottom
half of the unit, the top half of the unit and the LCD display all went
their separate ways.
At this point the Royal was finished but I decided to hit it again with
the hammer just for the hell of it.