HyperExtract and SE-PKS



Hi there,

I have this problem when running a script file in Cadence PKS: The script
file reads in a fully-routed design database and then attempts to extract
design parasitics using the HyperExtract tool. However, the system crashes
and gives a segmentation fault in the Unix terminal window. But, when I run
the same script commands separately (all within the PKS environment), i.e.
first execute everything up to the HyperExtract command and then when this
is done I run the HyperExtract and following commands, the tool does what I
expect it to do. The command used to execute Hyperextract is 'hyperExtract'
(this is the command used to execute hyperExtract in standalone mode from
the Unix command prompt). The documentation talks about using the command
'do_hyperextract' from within PKS but PKS doesn't recognise this and reports
an invalid command error.

Is there a way of linking in the Unix command into PKS? Moreover, why does
the command 'do_hyperextract' not work even though it is mentioned in the
SPR flow guide?

Many thanks

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