Bret Cahill
The pursuit of a "super" battery that could cheaply and efficiently
store energy all at a high density might not be the best use of time
and resources.
A more plausible solution would be a system of several different
batteries with an electronic controller which would charge and
discharge the various batteries depending on the source of power.
Instead of wasting expensive fuel charging inefficient batteries or
expensive batteries repeatedly being cycled with cheap grid
electricity, a controller would have inputs for fuel cost, grid cost
and battery costs and then automatically shift between the various
batteries to cut costs.
For example, if a plug in hybrid was being used mostly as an EV, then
the controller would run the energy through the low cost (< 15 cents/
kW-hr) cells where the efficiency only needs to be above 60%. When it
was time for a long road trip the controller would shift to the 95%
efficient cells that might be cost effective even above $2/kW-hr.
Bret Cahill
". . . glitter with the virtues of a world that does not yet exist."
-- Nietzsche
store energy all at a high density might not be the best use of time
and resources.
A more plausible solution would be a system of several different
batteries with an electronic controller which would charge and
discharge the various batteries depending on the source of power.
Instead of wasting expensive fuel charging inefficient batteries or
expensive batteries repeatedly being cycled with cheap grid
electricity, a controller would have inputs for fuel cost, grid cost
and battery costs and then automatically shift between the various
batteries to cut costs.
For example, if a plug in hybrid was being used mostly as an EV, then
the controller would run the energy through the low cost (< 15 cents/
kW-hr) cells where the efficiency only needs to be above 60%. When it
was time for a long road trip the controller would shift to the 95%
efficient cells that might be cost effective even above $2/kW-hr.
Bret Cahill
". . . glitter with the virtues of a world that does not yet exist."
-- Nietzsche