I'd like to connect two temperature and humidity sensors to my PC and to
write some software to take action on the basis of these. Can anybody
recommend a decent product?
Since I only have one free serial port, each temperature sensor would have
to be together with the humidity sensor. Alternatively, I could live with a
parallel port unit that allowed me to connect a number of temperature and
humidity sensors (this would actually be preferred). Also, I'd prefer not to
have to buy a CPU/motherboard fan and start ripping it to bits.
I don't have a PIC programmer unfortunately...
Does anyone else have a temp/humidity setup on their PC?
write some software to take action on the basis of these. Can anybody
recommend a decent product?
Since I only have one free serial port, each temperature sensor would have
to be together with the humidity sensor. Alternatively, I could live with a
parallel port unit that allowed me to connect a number of temperature and
humidity sensors (this would actually be preferred). Also, I'd prefer not to
have to buy a CPU/motherboard fan and start ripping it to bits.
I don't have a PIC programmer unfortunately...
Does anyone else have a temp/humidity setup on their PC?