I'm trying to calculate various delay times using .MEASURE COMMAND.
.measure tran trise trig v(1) val = 0.18 rise =1 targ v(1) val = 1.62
rise = 1
.measure tran tfall trig v(1) val = 1.62 fall =1 targ v(1) val = 0.18
fall = 1
I don't seem to get the results. It says,
trise= failed trig= not found
tfall= failed trig= not found
I have a warning saying,
**warning** dc voltage reset to initial transient source value
in source 0:vin new dc= 0.0000D
Looks like this warning is the cause but I'm not able to remove it. I
have the dc voltage defined as follows
vin 6 0 pulse(0 1.8 1ns 0.1ns 0.1ns 6ns 12ns)
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
.measure tran trise trig v(1) val = 0.18 rise =1 targ v(1) val = 1.62
rise = 1
.measure tran tfall trig v(1) val = 1.62 fall =1 targ v(1) val = 0.18
fall = 1
I don't seem to get the results. It says,
trise= failed trig= not found
tfall= failed trig= not found
I have a warning saying,
**warning** dc voltage reset to initial transient source value
in source 0:vin new dc= 0.0000D
Looks like this warning is the cause but I'm not able to remove it. I
have the dc voltage defined as follows
vin 6 0 pulse(0 1.8 1ns 0.1ns 0.1ns 6ns 12ns)
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.