I simulated a circuit in Hspice such that the rise time was within
10ns. I designed the layout of the circuit in Magic and extracted to
spice and again simulated in HSpice. There is a difference in the
result of the two simulations. Should there be a diff in the first
place, if yes why should there be a diff?
PS: In both the cases I added an external load capacitance of 1fF.
I simulated a circuit in Hspice such that the rise time was within
10ns. I designed the layout of the circuit in Magic and extracted to
spice and again simulated in HSpice. There is a difference in the
result of the two simulations. Should there be a diff in the first
place, if yes why should there be a diff?
PS: In both the cases I added an external load capacitance of 1fF.