Hi !
I was trying post yesterday but fail ;-(.
I've got problem with HP1740A. I've bought if few days ago, but it's
"Un-calibrated". So i need to do calibration
I'm wondering is there any one who can <and want
>| to help me ??
I need calibration instruction or info about service manual source <i
there are information required to do calibration>.
I found out service manual on i-net, but price was very high !
<min. 45$>
Meaby someone have manual for sale for reasonable price ;-) ?
Thanx in advance
I was trying post yesterday but fail ;-(.
I've got problem with HP1740A. I've bought if few days ago, but it's
"Un-calibrated". So i need to do calibration
I'm wondering is there any one who can <and want
I need calibration instruction or info about service manual source <i
there are information required to do calibration>.
I found out service manual on i-net, but price was very high !
<min. 45$>
Meaby someone have manual for sale for reasonable price ;-) ?
Thanx in advance