Ray Carlsen
Device: HP Model C8180 Photosmart All-In-One Printer/Scanner/Copier
Fault: When plugged in, it power cycles over and over by itself. No
functions work including Reset (holding power button at AC in).
Repair: Replace four electrolytic capacitors on the internal power
supply board: C613 and C660 (330uF at 10V), C614 and C662 (680uF at
6.3V). Those caps are standard through-hole radials branded "Teapo", are
green in color. Two of them were bulged at the top. The other caps on
that board are brown or black in color, are a different brand, and all
tested good with an ESR meter. They were not replaced.
That power supply board gets 32VDC from the external power pack and
from that source generates all the voltages needed by the All-In-One.
The board is located just inside the right side panel where the external
PS plugs in. Four T10 Torx screws secure that right outer cover and four
more hold the PS board in place. There are about a dozen connector
cables that need to be detached to remove the board for service. Be
careful when dealing with those tiny connectors and be mindful that the
board has a 3V button battery for memory backup. Most electronic devices
made nowadays look like a computer motherboard (lots of chips and other
tiny components and lead-free solder), so work carefully to prevent
damage to other components.
Ray Carlsen
Carlsen Electronics... a leader in trailing-edge technology
Fault: When plugged in, it power cycles over and over by itself. No
functions work including Reset (holding power button at AC in).
Repair: Replace four electrolytic capacitors on the internal power
supply board: C613 and C660 (330uF at 10V), C614 and C662 (680uF at
6.3V). Those caps are standard through-hole radials branded "Teapo", are
green in color. Two of them were bulged at the top. The other caps on
that board are brown or black in color, are a different brand, and all
tested good with an ESR meter. They were not replaced.
That power supply board gets 32VDC from the external power pack and
from that source generates all the voltages needed by the All-In-One.
The board is located just inside the right side panel where the external
PS plugs in. Four T10 Torx screws secure that right outer cover and four
more hold the PS board in place. There are about a dozen connector
cables that need to be detached to remove the board for service. Be
careful when dealing with those tiny connectors and be mindful that the
board has a 3V button battery for memory backup. Most electronic devices
made nowadays look like a computer motherboard (lots of chips and other
tiny components and lead-free solder), so work carefully to prevent
damage to other components.
Ray Carlsen
Carlsen Electronics... a leader in trailing-edge technology