HP Pavilion PC - identify part please



Have HP Pavilion PC model 6643 with combination board for modem, sound etc.
Part number of board is 5184-3924. Lighting zapped C98 and C100. Can any one
identify these SM parts and value??? they are caps but have no idea of
ratings. Thanks Richard
I hate those friggin things, and it is probably fried. Good.

I recommend you just buy and install another MODEM and a soundcard and get it
over with. If it's an older PC, try to get a hardMODEM for it.

I don't care how much of a tightwad you are, nobody troubleshoots this stuff to
component level. Time is money and it simply isn't worth the time. What's more
I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that there is alot more wrong with that card
than those teensy caps, whatever chips/transistors etc they are connected to
are probably fried as well.

You don't need the exact same card from HP, just go to the local PC joint and
you can get a MODEM for $10. You can use a used soundcard that shouldn't cost
more than $5.

Just in case.......if it has an Aztech chipset and the drivers are already on
your PC, I got one from a PB Pentium system you can have for $10+ship, but even
at that it's probably better to just get them locally even new.


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