HP Laser printer senses paper but will not pick it


kofi Mpengya

I have this HP laser printer which senses the presence of a paper
butwhen I want to make a test print the machine does not pick the
paper. The printer will initialie alright but just @ the momment it
has to pick the paper all the motors ceases all the 3 LEDs on the
front will light up. no switch on the pannel will work @ this momment
unless the printer is unpluged. When it is pluged back the same
problem as stated above happens again.
kofi Mpengya" <fynnashba@yahoo.com> wrote in message
I have this HP laser printer which senses the presence of a paper
butwhen I want to make a test print the machine does not pick the
paper. The printer will initialie alright but just @ the momment it
has to pick the paper all the motors ceases all the 3 LEDs on the
front will light up. no switch on the pannel will work @ this momment
unless the printer is unpluged. When it is pluged back the same
problem as stated above happens again.
Kofi, please tell us the model of your printer.

Hi Kofi,
if you own a HP LaserJet there is sometimes this picking problem. As far as
I know, there is a kit available from HP (for free) which can solve this
problem.Visit the HP Homepage for further details.

Fabian Amann

"hemyd" <henspammyd@iinet.net.au> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
kofi Mpengya" <fynnashba@yahoo.com> wrote in message
I have this HP laser printer which senses the presence of a paper
butwhen I want to make a test print the machine does not pick the
paper. The printer will initialie alright but just @ the momment it
has to pick the paper all the motors ceases all the 3 LEDs on the
front will light up. no switch on the pannel will work @ this momment
unless the printer is unpluged. When it is pluged back the same
problem as stated above happens again.

Kofi, please tell us the model of your printer.

"kofi Mpengya" <fynnashba@yahoo.com> wrote in message
I have this HP laser printer which senses the presence of a paper
butwhen I want to make a test print the machine does not pick the
paper. The printer will initialie alright but just @ the momment it
has to pick the paper all the motors ceases all the 3 LEDs on the
front will light up. no switch on the pannel will work @ this momment
unless the printer is unpluged. When it is pluged back the same
problem as stated above happens agai
I bet it's a 5 or 6L. These machines have a known problem with paper feed
due to faulty manufacture of the feed rubbers. HP used to provide a kit free
of charge to fix it but the fix doesn't last all that long.
fixyourownprinter.com also stock parts to fix this as well as a tutorial

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