Ian King
I bought an 8165A function generator on eBay and, while the function
generating stuff appears to work fine, the display is a bit wacky. It works
fine for a few minutes, but then both single LEDs and the seven-segment
displays start to do goofy things (like staying lit when they are clearly
deselected, and showing 0000 MHz). I have some thoughts on why this is
happening - of course, it sounds like some sort of thermal intermittent -
but the 8165's control board is not easy to get to *unless* you have the
magic extender board.
That's why I'm here. Does anyone know where these extender boards might be
While I'm here: has anyone else experienced this sort of problem? Any
suggestions? I'm not averse to replacing a "usual suspect" IC and hoping
for the best. Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer -- Ian
generating stuff appears to work fine, the display is a bit wacky. It works
fine for a few minutes, but then both single LEDs and the seven-segment
displays start to do goofy things (like staying lit when they are clearly
deselected, and showing 0000 MHz). I have some thoughts on why this is
happening - of course, it sounds like some sort of thermal intermittent -
but the 8165's control board is not easy to get to *unless* you have the
magic extender board.
That's why I'm here. Does anyone know where these extender boards might be
While I'm here: has anyone else experienced this sort of problem? Any
suggestions? I'm not averse to replacing a "usual suspect" IC and hoping
for the best. Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer -- Ian