HP 54xxx series oscillocopes



Just bought a 54120b on eBay, cheap. Only to find out it needs the 54121a test set. Alright, got an old beat up Tek that might still work. Both jammed into storage for the interim.

Anyone using/familiar with these and other contemporaneous models? Is there a substitute test set or something equivalent I could use (to troubleshoot old electronics, don't need multi ghz bandwidth currently). What is a test set? Presumably pre-amps and such. There's an article (HP Journal maybe) about using thick film technology (back in the late 80s). Don't think that applies to the mainframe itself.

If anyone could direct me to forums that deal exclusively w/HP instrumentation, I would be most grateful. Most people tell you to get a tried and true Tek, and I'm not against that bit of advice. I just like HP though.

And finally, how does the 54120 relate to the 54110, 54111, and 54112 (or other non color models for that matter)? Do they in effect have the "test set" built in? Many scopes employ plug ins obviously. The 54120 has circuit cards, the others I think have a large mainboard.
On Sun, 27 Sep 2015 18:40:10 -0700 (PDT) Chris <chriskeegan2014@gmail.com>
wrote in Message id:

> If anyone could direct me to forums that deal exclusively w/HP instrumentation, I would be most grateful. Most people tell you to get a tried and true Tek, and I'm not against that bit of advice. I just like HP though.


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