Boris Mohar
My favorite piece of nostalgia suddenly stopped working. The +5V and other
supplies are ok. The display is blank except for the decimal point. The
clock is working but the IC it passes the signal to does nothing with it. I
assume that it is a divider of some sort. It has proprietary Motorola number
1820 -0567 I know it is a long shot but maybe one of you know.
Boris Mohar
My favorite piece of nostalgia suddenly stopped working. The +5V and other
supplies are ok. The display is blank except for the decimal point. The
clock is working but the IC it passes the signal to does nothing with it. I
assume that it is a divider of some sort. It has proprietary Motorola number
1820 -0567 I know it is a long shot but maybe one of you know.
Boris Mohar