I'm looking for ROM images for an HP 3456A multimeter.
Mine has a bad ROM.
By the way, if you have this meter I advise that you
back up your roms. The old Mostek ROMS have been
known to go sour after 20 or so years. Same goes
for the Genrad Digibridges etc.
If I can't get lucky here, then I have to blow $100 on
another meter on eBay so I can dupe the roms.
Sorry about the crosspost, but you folks are most likely
to own a 3456A and to have this info.
Mine has a bad ROM.
By the way, if you have this meter I advise that you
back up your roms. The old Mostek ROMS have been
known to go sour after 20 or so years. Same goes
for the Genrad Digibridges etc.
If I can't get lucky here, then I have to blow $100 on
another meter on eBay so I can dupe the roms.
Sorry about the crosspost, but you folks are most likely
to own a 3456A and to have this info.