I have a very recent HP3456A manual in electronic
format: 314-PAGES @ 600-DPI with nice halftones
and full-page schematics printable on 11x17 paper.
I'll email a copy ONLY to the first few folks who
send me a good 600DPI "png" of Page-8-F-4 with
Paragraphs 8-F-17,18,19,20,21,22,23 titled
"A/D Adjustments".
Thanks from Stepan
format: 314-PAGES @ 600-DPI with nice halftones
and full-page schematics printable on 11x17 paper.
I'll email a copy ONLY to the first few folks who
send me a good 600DPI "png" of Page-8-F-4 with
Paragraphs 8-F-17,18,19,20,21,22,23 titled
"A/D Adjustments".
Thanks from Stepan