HP 1222A scope generates sawtooth instead of flat baseline


Joerg Hau


Yet another scope in trouble ...

HP 1222A. Has always been working fine, but recently (after a longer
pause) it suddenly has developed a "sawtooth" baseline.

- periodicity ~9 ms, int'y ~1 graticule
- both channels are equally concerned
- A/B gain setting or grounding does not change amplitude
- both channels can be moved up/down w/o problems
- input signal overlays the "sawtooth"
- sawtooth reacts on trigger (or vice versa ;-)
- sawtooth becomes "steeper" if moved beam is moved to the
lower part of the CRT

Power supplies:
+95 V adjusted, OK
+210 V reads +219.5 V
+12 V reads +14.20 V, -12 V reads -14.25 V (at least symmetrical ;-)

I suspect that the input channels are OK and that the problem is
probably related to the vertical deflection (or sweep?).

Before diving into the circuit ... does that ring a bell ... anybody?

Please feel free to contact me either via the newsgroup, or per direct

Thanks in advance for any help,
and greetings from Lausanne!

- Joerg

[ xpost to s.e.equipment & s.e.repair, f'up to s.e.e. ]
joerg dot hau at swissonline dot ch * Lausanne, Switzerland
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