How would you mount this package?


Nathan Bialke


A magnetometer part I'd like to use - the Honeywell HMC1051Z - is only
available in a 8-pin 50 mil pitch SIP package that I've never seen
before. The datasheet is available at
.. The pins are too large for me to fit into plated holes if I use
"reasonable" design rules (20 mil hole with a 15 mil past the hole
annular ring). I asked a technician who suggested surface-mounting by
bending the pins into an "L" and then soldering the parts onto 50 mil
pitch pads. However, I would rather find a better solution - it seems
to me that the first time I brush the part on the board accidentally,
I'll rip up the pads!

Does anyone know of a way to mount this part that fits "reasonable"
design rules and has some aspect of structural support?

Thank you!

- Nathan
That package certainly is a bit of an enigma.

The only other suggestion I could make is soldering the leads flat to
traces/pads with the body hanging off the edge of the board or within a
cutout segment of the PCB.

The leads seem to be a little short to offset them into two through hole
rows, at least not without great care or a good jig to support the leads and
not stress the package. It could work but care should be taken and I
wouldn't want to do it for any number of devices without a proper jig.

If you did "L" lead them ont SMT pads, bend each leg alternately
(left/right, forward/back), that would help with overall support and
integrity. Then you would also want to use silicon or epoxy to stabilize the
divice for long term reliability.

Brad Velander.

"Nathan Bialke" <> wrote in message

A magnetometer part I'd like to use - the Honeywell HMC1051Z - is only
available in a 8-pin 50 mil pitch SIP package that I've never seen
before. The datasheet is available at
. The pins are too large for me to fit into plated holes if I use
"reasonable" design rules (20 mil hole with a 15 mil past the hole
annular ring). I asked a technician who suggested surface-mounting by
bending the pins into an "L" and then soldering the parts onto 50 mil
pitch pads. However, I would rather find a better solution - it seems
to me that the first time I brush the part on the board accidentally,
I'll rip up the pads!

Does anyone know of a way to mount this part that fits "reasonable"
design rules and has some aspect of structural support?

Thank you!

- Nathan
On 2 Apr, 05:20, "Nathan Bialke" <> wrote:

A magnetometer part I'd like to use - the Honeywell HMC1051Z - is only
available in a 8-pin 50 mil pitch SIP package that I've never seen
before. The datasheet is available at
. The pins are too large for me to fit into plated holes if I use
"reasonable" design rules (20 mil hole with a 15 mil past the hole
annular ring). I asked a technician who suggested surface-mounting by
bending the pins into an "L" and then soldering the parts onto 50 mil
pitch pads. However, I would rather find a better solution - it seems
to me that the first time I brush the part on the board accidentally,
I'll rip up the pads!

Does anyone know of a way to mount this part that fits "reasonable"
design rules and has some aspect of structural support?

Thank you!

- Nathan

There are SIL connectors that have a similar pitch, I've made a PCB at
home that uses one of them and didn't have any any problems.


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