Dear Electronic experts! I need to build a circuit that will output
4VAC at 1 amp from a 120VAC supply. The trick is that I need it to be
very stable (4.0V +/- 0.05v. I also need it to slowly and evenly ramp
up from 0v to 4v over a period of about 1 to 3 minutes. The ramp up
time is not too critical - so the easiest design is fine. This project
is to slowly warm up the heater in a crt so care has to be taken not to
exceed 1 amp and not to go above the 4v. A conservative approach would
be best. Any assistance would be appreciated! Thank you very much!
4VAC at 1 amp from a 120VAC supply. The trick is that I need it to be
very stable (4.0V +/- 0.05v. I also need it to slowly and evenly ramp
up from 0v to 4v over a period of about 1 to 3 minutes. The ramp up
time is not too critical - so the easiest design is fine. This project
is to slowly warm up the heater in a crt so care has to be taken not to
exceed 1 amp and not to go above the 4v. A conservative approach would
be best. Any assistance would be appreciated! Thank you very much!