Please forgive the pure ignorance of this question. I understand that
this is very basic stuff that I should probably know, but I have never
been to class to learn about this stuff, nor have I found any tutorials
that explain this stuff in simple everyday terms. I passed by
technician and general class amateur license exam by memorizing the
right buzzwords for this stuff, but not actually understanding the
concepts. I admit, I am ashamed of this fact. Here's what I have
gathered so far.
1. DC current flows through a crystal.
2. The resonance of the crystal causes the current to form waves around
the frequency of crystal
3. This new "pulsating" current is then amplified and then sent through
the crystal again. (This is called positive feedback)
4. The pulsating current is sent through a low-pass filter to "filter
out" unwanted frequencies. (That's why I said "around the frequency"
of the crystal)
5. From the filter, the current flows to an antenna which converts the
current to RF radiation.
Comments and help would be greatly appreciated.
this is very basic stuff that I should probably know, but I have never
been to class to learn about this stuff, nor have I found any tutorials
that explain this stuff in simple everyday terms. I passed by
technician and general class amateur license exam by memorizing the
right buzzwords for this stuff, but not actually understanding the
concepts. I admit, I am ashamed of this fact. Here's what I have
gathered so far.
1. DC current flows through a crystal.
2. The resonance of the crystal causes the current to form waves around
the frequency of crystal
3. This new "pulsating" current is then amplified and then sent through
the crystal again. (This is called positive feedback)
4. The pulsating current is sent through a low-pass filter to "filter
out" unwanted frequencies. (That's why I said "around the frequency"
of the crystal)
5. From the filter, the current flows to an antenna which converts the
current to RF radiation.
Comments and help would be greatly appreciated.