Xuejun Zhang
In hspice manual, you can run a sweep use .data command by using
..data mysweep
l w cgs
1 2 1e-12
0.5 3 1e-12
Then the analysis statement is
..TRAN 1e-12 1e-8 sweep data=mysweep
I try to use the .data command in hspiceS simulator for Analog DE, but
not successful, is anyone here try this command before?
..data mysweep
l w cgs
1 2 1e-12
0.5 3 1e-12
Then the analysis statement is
..TRAN 1e-12 1e-8 sweep data=mysweep
I try to use the .data command in hspiceS simulator for Analog DE, but
not successful, is anyone here try this command before?